Chapter 49

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Monday, 12:00

"Wow Lisa, I gotta admit, it's been a long time since I hadn't been so sucked up into a French lesson. I can't wait to move on to the next book so we can finally be partners."

"Oooh and there goes my will to study French, thanks Chicken." Loudly bewailed Lisa as both of them sat in front of Chaeyoung, at their now new spot in the cafeteria.

"Hey come on, I'm not that bad!" Pestered Jisoo, earning a very disapproving look from Lisa. "Alright, I'm not the best either, but at least you won't have to be with Jennie anymore."

"Honestly? I'm actually already regretting not asking her to keep the groups as they were."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind either. From what I can see, you two really seemed to have buried the hatchet." Joined Chaeyoung. "Are you friends now?"

But before the Thai girl had any chances of answering, a sarcastic laugh escaped Jisoo' mouth.

"Lisa friends with Jennie Kim?! Chae, where did you even get that hahahahah!" She mocked, having trouble breathing. But as she turned to Lisa, searching for the latter's support, she found her sprawled on the table, head on her arms and simply smiling. She gasped, her happy face dropping dead. "W-wait, that's not- are you kidding me?!"

"Aaah Chicken," sighed Lisa, now patting her smaller friend's head as you'd do to a kid. "Don't you ever worry alright? You're still my number one, I mean, after Taeyoung, Chaeyoung, Mina, and a few others of course."

"Stop with the bullshit. You know what? I don't believe you,"

"Jisoo, haven't you see how closer they had gotten recently?" Argued the pink-haired girl.

"They were in the same group project! Of course they'd spend time together."

"And what about when Jennie protected Lisa at the party?"

"I don't know, maybe she was just mad the attention wasn't on her. That would make a lot more sense than your theory."

"Chicken, I'm starving, could you please hurry and go grab our lunches?" Lisa suddenly asked, poking her friend's shoulder repeatedly.

"WHAT?! No I won't, not until you prove me you really became pals with Jennie Kim."

"Alright, then I'm just going to take a quick nap and wait until you're finished."

"Very well, have fun starving." Scoffed Jisoo, now turning her attention to Chaeyoung. "Chae, please..."

"I don't know what you want me to say 'Soo!" The pink-haired girl shrugged. "To me it just seemed evident. It's not like Lisa hated Jennie in the first place."

"And Jennie?"

"Well maybe she took a liking to Lisa after getting to know her, they're not so different if you think about it."

"Yeah, they're both genius and egocentric sociopaths, but I'll need to see this with my own eyes." Finally conceded Jisoo before getting up. "Alright, I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be back in five."



"Hwasa, how do you know when you..."

"Have fallen in love with someone? God I knew it!" The raven girl punched the air victoriously. "I knew you were going to ask me that at the very second you said you wanted to talk. So, who's the lucky-"

"I'm not in love!" Jennie rushed, quickly checking around her to make sure they were completely alone.

They were both sitting in one of the empty music classrooms, the brunette having specifically asked for her friend to join her here.

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