Chapter 37

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"Go back."

Were the first words that came and would later stay into Jennie's mind as soon as she got in her car, right after the photos hoot. It made her freeze at first. For what type of reasons was her brain emitting this thought? Realizing the situation and starting to feel more and more silly -not to say uncomfortable- about this question, she quickly shook her head vigorously. And left.

She arrived at her house at 18 o'clock, and immediately noticed the smell of food from the kitchen. Although the family could afford a cook to prepare the meals, her aunt had always had a penchant for the 'wife preparing dinner for her husband and children' type of dream. But today seemed different as she looked like she was putting extra effort into her preparation, and the girl knew that this behavior of hers would only manifest when her uncle was to be cajoled.

Mrs. Kim had always been a, loyal and supportive wife. Heiress of a wealthy family herself, bothe her and her uncle had been promised to each others even before they were in age to marry, yet hadn't left each other since. Weird how, despite such commitment to what hadn't been imposed on them, hadn't been passed on to their own son, now that she thought about it.

"I'm home." She announced shortly after entering the hallway.

"Jennie!" The older woman jumped. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I'm going to my room now, are we still eating at 19:30?" She asked while heading upstairs.

"We are. And Jennie!" Her aunt called out. "Dad is planned to arrive right before dinner, and he'll probably be tired and a little on the edge..."

"So that's why you're preparing a feast..." Thought the brunette, before answering her aunt's implicit demand. "I get it. I'll behave as good as I can."

"I know it shouldn't be a problem for you sweetie, but thank you for understanding and see you later."

When Jennie arrived to her room. She let herself finally go and sighed longingly as she laid on her bed, contemplating the ceiling.

"Thanks for the offer, but except for the oral presentation, this will be our last time ever having to interact..."

She closed her eyes, replaying Lisa's words on and on again. And the more she did so, the more she realized that she hated them, even more than the Thai girl herself.

But she didn't have time to dwell on that reflection as she felt her eyelids close out of pure exhaustion, letting her drift into sleep.

She was woken up by a loud commotion happening downstairs. Her uncle had arrived. And by the sound of another male voice in the room, Taehyung was here as well.

Quickly getting up, Jennie took a deep breath, already annoyed at the perspective of what this evening was probably going to look like. A yelling mess.

"Good evening Uncle." She greeted as she sat next to her cousin.

"Jennie, good evening." He answered formally.

"Did your business trip run smoothly?"

"Yes, thank you for asking. I was able to acquire some precious clients from China. Four of the richest family there are sending their child to study in our facility next year as a token of our possible partnership."

"That is good to hear."

"It is indeed. And you, how was your first week as a regular student?"

His question made the brunette flinch. And then frown. She hadn't really thought about it to be honest. Maybe because she actually still controlled the Student Council in the shadows, or maybe because she was still the most popular and respected student in college, despite not being the official president anymore. Or maybe, and that immediately made her cringe a little bit, because she was too busy thinking about the fact that she had to pose naked the following weekend.

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