Chapter 11

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"Oh my gaaaaaaawd... what am I going to do! Lisa, it's all your fault! If you had shut your mouth during class, the teacher wouldn't have taken you away from me and today I wouldn't be partnering with a girl who's as lost as I am..."

"I would really love to be sorry for you, but my acting skills can only do so much." Retorted Lisa nonchalantly as she was watching the smaller girl complain.

It was lunch time. And she hadn't stopped since they had left French, annoying not only her but everyone else sitting with them, namely Chaeyoung, as well as Mina and Taehyung who would sometimes join the other three.

"Aren't you also bothered by that change? You're now with Jennie!" Continued Jisoo.

"Honestly Chicken, choosing between you and her is like choosing between Plague and Cholera, so- Ouch!" Lisa answered before being hit by the latter, and provoking a general laughter in the group.

But the Thai girl wasn't joking. Both options didn't really make her excited. With Jisoo, she would have pretty much complete freedom on what to say and write, but would also need to work twice as much considering the latter's french skills. As for Jennie, despite her good level, God only knew what a pain in the ass it would be to work with her if she decided to take this 'Tame Lisa' mission too seriously.

But who knew, maybe things would turn out more fun than predicted. After all, the book they were going to analyse together had the merit to be very...interesting.

"Don't worry Lisa." Taehyung had joined the conversation and was now looking at her. "If your French classes are about to suck, you can be sure the Photography ones will definitely compensate. We'll be starting to work on our projects today, you're gonna love it."

Lisa's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about this part of the course. She sighed in relief. Maybe today wasn't a bad day after all.



"Week two has finally arrived, which means the beginning of your projects. I hope you are ready to get creative, because I'll be expecting more of you this year." The teacher started speaking as soon as the bell rang. She looked more alive, as if she had been waiting for this part of the program to begin as well.

"Last year, I evaluated your works under their technical aspect, which isn't and shouldn't be in my opinion the most important part of a picture. But it was necessary in order for you to acquire the basics before moving on to its artistical nature. Things are now different, the principal axis in which I'll be addressing your artworks is going to be creativity and feeling. You'll be submitting seven portfolios for the next eight months. I'll give you two months for your first one, to start off easy."

Taehyung had told Lisa that each artwork had to be submitted in the form of a folder, with no restriction on the number of pictures in it, unless said otherwise. That kind of concept gave the student a lot of freedom, but also a lot more difficulties. The less instructions, the less clues on what to do to get the best grades from the teacher, which explained why the latter was apparently very hard to please. Art was sufficiently hard to evaluate as it was. Lisa secretly hoped their professor would be open-minded enough to accept styles that were different from what she liked or was used to.

After giving a few more informations about the grading system and what it took to pass this class, the woman finally announced the instructions for the first project.

"We are at the beginning of the year, and I don't need to tell you how important first impressions are, in every aspects of our life. So for this very first artwork, that will symbolize our first meeting as people, I want you to make a big impression on me. The key word here is surprise. I'm not necessarily looking for originality or novelty, although those are usually more unpredictable, but for the feeling of surprise your pictures will provoke in me. That is it for today. You're now completely free to work wherever you want, stay here or leave, I'll be in this classroom until 16:00 and will gladly help you. Good luck to everyone."

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