Chapter 24

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Monday, 8:25

Today was the day. The day that marked the college's history. Every student was waiting in line almost anxiously. There were so many, the line they constituted went outside of the building the voting was taking place in. The news had apparently spread outside of the school because a few reporters and photographers could be seen wandering in and out of the conference room, walking alongside the queue and taking pictures of the students patiently standing.

One of the journalists, feeling particularly proud and excited (probably due to the huge camera he was carrying), suddenly decided it would be a good idea to interview some voters in order to prettify the future article he was about to write later. All of his colleagues preferred to focus on the director or the teachers of the school, who were all also present, sitting inside and supervising the event. 

But the man had other specific people on his radar already, the first one being none other than the now ex-president of the Student Council, Ms. Jennie Kim.

Making his way to the end of the long waiting line, he started to pass through each student, filming them, hoping for his camera to finally catch the girl in its lens. He progressed at a normal pace, making his way toward the building. He entered, still filming everyone; boy, girl, girl, boy, girl. He passed each of them until he finally found her.

Jennie Kim was standing near the beginning of the queue, alone, which made the reporter even gladder as he was sure to approach her without bothering her.

"Excuse me Miss. I'd like to interv-"

He stopped as soon as his target had turned her head in his direction. Instead of the welcoming or maybe surprised look he was expecting, he received one of the coldest, deadliest stare he had ever seen.

And God knew he would have rather lived his life without experiencing such threatening eyes laying on him.

Jennie's expression didn't decline the slightest but just got more intense at each second. One...two...three...

"I-I'm sorry!" Was all that said the poor journalist, visibly terrified.

And he immediately ran out.

Jennie let out a sharp sigh as she saw the man disappearing out of her sight. She quickly turned back to the right direction of the waiting line.

"Moron..." She let out under her breath.

She was already quite angry before his pathetic attempt of making contact, but now she was fuming. She had been waiting more than impatiently for the whole weekend to end, and the elections surprisingly weren't the reason of it. No, she couldn't wait for Monday to start because she was finally going to see Lisa Manoban and confront her for not coming to their last study session.

"That bitch." She thought, replaying last Friday in her mind. She had waited for twenty minutes in the library, looking dumb and alone. 

No one had ever dared standing her up! Bewildered and pissed to no end, she had gotten up, gathered her things and gone straight to Jisoo's and then Chaeyoung's dorm. Who knew? Maybe one of them knew where the girl was. Needless to say that this quest had come to be useless since neither of Lisa's friends had the answers she was searching for. They told her she had left in the middle of Lunch, looking quite annoyed, but had no clue where she could have gone. Intrigued, but nevertheless still irritated, she had swore that if the Thai girl didn't try to contact her during the weekend to at least apologize, she would definitely make her pay once Monday would come.

And that day had arrived. Lisa hadn't tried to reach out to her. Sure, she didn't have her phone number, but she definitely knew where the brunette was living.

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