Chapter 54

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It was midnight when Jennie and Lisa entered the latter's apartment. The whole walk had been completely silent, and both couldn't wait to get inside, although for different reasons.

"Holy fucking hell!" Whined the frozen Pikachu as she started to feel warm again. "Seriously, how am I going to survive this winter? I'm already on the verge of death."

"You'll get used to it." Calmly responded Jennie, taking off her coat and walking to the living room.

Lisa had immediately went to the bathroom, leaving her alone for a moment. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for what was happening next. She didn't have a clue on what would the portfolio look like, but the idea of both going through multiple pictures of her naked self definitely made her nervous.

She was about to sit at her usual spot, but decided against it at the last second, choosing the couch Lisa usually laid at. Closing the distance between them was her main goal after all.

She bit her bottom lip at those thoughts. Was she going to be able to make any sort of more explicit move than that? An image of her suddenly taking the initiative and kiss the taller girl popped in her head, making her furiously blush. Her heartbeat sped up.

She needed to calm down.

"Found it." She heard Lisa say as she reentered the living room. "By the way, I can already guess your answer, but do you want something to drink?"

"Actually, yes, gladly." Instantly answered the brunette, to the other girl's surprise. "I completely cleared up after that stupid contest."

"I get what you mean. I always sober up faster than I get drunk, it's like a curse." Lisa spoke up from the kitchen. "By the way, I only have this cheap bottle of vodka left, we can mix it with orange juice if that's not too modest for you." She then added, sitting on the couch next to Jennie.

"I'll take anything really." Responded the latter, grabbing the said bottle and pouring herself a drink before adding the juice.

"Wow, are you seriously that nervous about checking those photos? I thought you wanted to."

"I do!" She lied. "But knowing you, I always have to prepare for the worse."

"Well, 'the worse' as you say it, got the best score of all, so have fun judging that." Declared Lisa cockily, handing her a black folder.

Jennie sucked in a breath, staring almost stupidly at the cover. And in an ultimate effort, she emptied her drink in one go and took the object in her hands.

The first thing she saw while opening it was the back view of her naked self sat at the table, arms holding a book. Instantly causing this to bring back the oh-so traumatic memories of the photoshoot, she felt her breath quicken, and looked away. This was going to be hard.

She heard Lisa sigh and scoot closer to her. The brunette didn't move, and it felt like hours before the saw a hand enter her field of view.

"Hey." Lisa softly voiced out, snapping her fingers, making Jennie almost jump. "Look at it." She then said, indicating her to look down back at the image. "What do you see?"

"Myself, bare." She quietly let out, still blushing.

"Be precise."

"My back?"

"That's right. And there is a reason for me choosing this on as my first photo." Explained the taller girl as she took a sip of her drink. "Usually, when you meet people, you meet their front side. Multiple social experiments have shown that humans feel really insecure having someone or some things behind them. They want control and an eye on everything. Which is why people would tend to stand their back facing the wall inside of an elevator for example. Animals do that too. It's like a basic survival instinct."

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