Chapter 7

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"Well good morning everyone and welcome to our daily radio show that is here help you wake up with a smile and make your day as great as possible! But before we begin, let's listen to a song requested by one of our loy-"

"Mmmmmmh" Groaned Lisa as she turned off her alarm. Taking her head between her face, she sat up.

The girl wasn't very difficult when it came to getting out of bed, but that didn't stop her from feeling way too tired. Needless to say that two hours of sleep plus having drank the equivalent of two caves of alcohol the night before maybe wasn't the smartest idea when you had classes at 8 o'clock the next day. Fuck it, it was completely worth it, she thought, as she blindly dressed for the day. From the beginning to the end, she had a great night. From the moment she entered Kai's house to the moment she went back home with Taehyung, singing their heart out to Don't stop me now by Queen in the streets of Seoul.

Eyes still mildly closed, she dragged herself to the kitchen and chugged an entire water bottle.

"Oh fuck, I forgot to buy coffee..." She groaned again.

"Are you serious? Now how am I going to survive today?" A voice complained behind her.

"Oh right, he's here." thought Lisa. She had invited Taehyung to stay last night, afraid he might not find his way home in his state. She turned around and saw him, or what looked like him, half dead on the couch.

"Well, you can still go home now if you want. You have like twenty minutes."

"I don't live on the campus Lisa," he sighed. "It takes me ten minutes to get to college with car, and considering mine is still probably in Kai's parking, I don't think I will make it in time."

"Poor baby." Yawned Lisa. "Well, I'm leaving now. I'm gonna try to get some coffee at the cafeteria before classes. Here." She handed him her apartment's keys. "Close behind you and give them back to me at lunch."

"Yep...see you later, if I haven't died by then." Mumbled Taehyung as he was trying to get up.

Lisa felt like a zombie. She didn't even answered and limped to the entrance. As soon as she opened the door, rays of sunshine hit her face, blinding her more than she already was.

Sighing, she gathered her courage and walked away, not noticing the dozens of eggs, tomatoes and other fruits that had been thrown at her house front.


When she finally arrived to the cafeteria she saw a small paper hanging at its front door:

"Due to special circumstances, we are sorry to announce the cafeteria won't be open until lunch hour."

Do you know that feeling when life seems to be so mad at you that it almost becomes hilarious? That was what Lisa felt as she headed to her philosophy class, a dead smile plastered on her face.

Class was about to start when she passed out on her desk, not being able to stay awake anymore. Sleeping during Philosophy, as cliché as it looked, helped her getting enough energy to drag herself to her next hour. Although she was still feeling better, she would probably need to sleep during French as well.

Entering the auditorium, she climbed the stairs and sat at the same spot as yesterday. She was about to resume her nap, when she felt a someone sitting next to her.

"Damn girl, you look like shit."

"Chicken...I almost forgot you existed," she groaned as she turned her head laying on the table to look at her.

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