Chapter 28

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Thursday, 8:30

1. Taehyung: 41.71%

2. Lisa: 26.78%

3. Jimin: 25.9%

4. Dahyun: 5.61%

Jennie sighed at the results, and immediately took a seat in her classroom. Lisa was right. Just as she predicted, Dahyun was eliminated and Taehyung still kept the number one spot. Her anger hadn't diminished a bit since her altercation with the Thai girl. In fact, it just increased more and more as she realized she really was going to lose those elections if the latter's last prediction, Taehyung's surrender, came to be true.

Ever since the second conference had ended, Lisa Manoban had become the main topic of discussion inside the campus. Jennie could hear the students loudly praising her beauty, her intelligence or whatever qualities they had seen in her, and unsurprisingly, that didn't help her calm down. Even her own friends were all over her, which had made the brunette snap so loud that they had to keep it down during the whole lunch.

The class rapidly started and, she wasn't able to concentrate, replaying for the hundredth time the last conversation she had had with her French partner the day before, and suddenly a particular moment came to her mind.

"Your cousin, has had to live his whole life with people telling him that everything he liked held no importance and that he needed to sacrifice himself for something he didn't fucking care about!"

She frowned at the memory, remembering how it had made her feel at the moment. The Thai girl had seemed so unusually passionate about it and she couldn't help but wonder. Why had Taehyung's situation affected her in such a way? Of course, they were friend, but it wasn't the first time Jennie had bad-mouthed her cousin in front of her and Lisa had never lost her composure at those stingy remarks like she did yesterday.

Realizing she was completely drifting away from the lesson, she shook her head.

"Fuck, why do I even care?" She thought, mad at herself for getting carried away.

Today was going to be difficult.



"Lisa!" Screamed Chaeyoung when she saw the girl arriving with Jisoo and Mina. "I thought we agreed on meeting yesterday, where did you go?"

"Well I-"

"MADAME was apparently feeling TIRED." Cut Jisoo, in a very sarcastic tone, and adding air quotation marks at the last word.

"Come on Jisoo." Tried to ease Mina. "I'm sure it was true, I mean, imagine what she had to endure yester-"

"No Mina, let it go." Interrupted Lisa, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Jisoo is completely right actually."

"See!" Barked Jisoo, pointing at everyone. "I told you! This brat is now super popular and she's not going to hang out with us anymore."

"Oh no don't worry!" Retaliated the Thai girl with a smile. "I'll still hang out with Chaeyoung and Mina, it is only you I plan to avoid. I wouldn't want my reputation to be stained after all."

"You bitch..." Jisoo lowered her voice threateningly.

"What? You can't blame me, Chicken. I guess you were useful in the beginning since my social status was at its lowest, but this isn't the case anymore. Life is about progress and I'm sorry to say that but- Ouch! Hey! Don't punch me, just accept the reality- Ouch! Okay okay I'm joking!" She finally let out in the midst of laughing.

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