Chapter 15

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Taehyung knew. He knew Lisa had something in mind when she had invited him to leave the classroom with her. And he was pretty sure that she was aware of him knowing as well. After all, if the girl really hadn't wanted him to suspect anything, he had no doubt she would have been capable of doing so. But the way she had voiced out her request had immediately and implicitly let him know she wanted to talk about something specific and maybe important. No tricks were used, meaning that the choice of risking following her was completely his own.

He chuckled lightly.

"So that's what you wanted to know huh?"

Lisa nodded, expressionless.

"I wanted to ask that question since lunch, but something told me you would have felt more comfortable speaking about it without too many people around."

"And you thought I was going to tell you just because you asked?" He raised his eyebrows, amused.

"No, and I won't bring it up again if you don't want to answer. But I let you a chance not to follow me back then, so I guessed the reason why you did so was because you were willing to at least hear my question out."

"I knew it." He thought.

But the girl was right. Taehyung would have probably felt uneasy talking about it at lunch, but he trusted Lisa. Since the first time they met, they had always kept a conformable and easy going relationship, and he didn't see what would be the problem in revealing some of his personal life.

"Alright." He began. "But first I just want to make sure you won't tell anything of that to anyone. I don't mind speaking about it, but I'll have to talk a little bit about my cousin's past as well, and considering you guys aren't in very good terms, it'd be problematic if you started repeating what you heard to everyone."

"What? What are you talking about? Jayjay and I are like best friends!" Lisa exclaimed. But after a few seconds of Taehyung keeping a serious expression, she quickly added. "It was a joke man. I won't say anything unless you or her allow it, is that okay?"

"Perfect, let's start then." The boy let out a small smile and cleared his throat. "So, Jennie's parents both died in a car accident when she was five years old. After the incident, my dad told me she was going to live with us from this moment on. Jennie didn't have any family on her mother's side, but her dad was my father's twin brother, so it was only natural she'd come."

Taehyung stopped for a moment, waiting for any reaction from Lisa, but the girl stayed silent. So he continued.

"My father didn't reject or treated her badly, he immediately started to refer to us as brother and sister. But Jennie didn't like it. She was always very obedient and hard working, but I could see she still kept her distance with the rest of the family. I got the confirmation of that when we were about twelve; we got into a fight and I mentioned her as my sister, and she instantly lost it and threatened me not to call her like that anymore if I didn't want to regret it badly."

Lisa frowned at the last part of what the boy said. The latter saw it and precipitately proceeded to add:

"She was never abusive or anything, she just...didn't like me. I know it might not look like it, but I was, and kind of still am, a little bit rebellious. I am the son of the director and my dad had always wanted me to inherit of his job, just as he did with his father. The problem is I never really saw myself being a college's director unlike Jennie who was completely fit to it. Photography and Literature were to me way more appealing. So yeah, she always saw me as not worthy of my family's last name and that's why she never bothered to have a closer relationship with me."

"Wait," asked the Thai girl, who was still confused about a thing, "why doesn't your father just leave the family's business to Jennie since she's considered his daughter AND is willing to do so?"

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