Chapter 17

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It had been two weeks since Lisa had refused Jennie's proposition, and not a lot had happened.

Concerning her studies, Philosophy was still interesting and French was still too easy. Photography had finally gotten more amusing as the Thai girl had started working on her project, brainstorming a maximum of ideas in her mind. She still hadn't put her plan in practice since it would require a lot of effort, but she was determined to make it happen, no matter what.

Those last two weeks had also given Lisa the occasion to know more about the city she had been living in for almost a month now. It was lunch time when she had asked her friends to make her visit Seoul. Jisoo and Chaeyoung weren't available but Mina had kindly accepted. The girl had brought her to the main touristic spots of the city, until Lisa asked her to take her to more unknown areas. Those were the best. The small ice cream shops, the hidden textile houses, the darker alleys, those were the places that the Thai girl had enjoyed the most. Besides learning more about the capital, Lisa also grew closer to her private tour guide. Spending more time with Mina had its perks, and the top one was definitely the conversations they had. Mina was someone perfect to debate and talk about everything without shame, as she would hardly hold any judgment.

But deep exchanges and cute daylight outings weren't enough for Lisa to enjoy life fully as most of her fun was usually happening when the sun was out. Apart from the college parties, the Thai girl would often go out to clubs, either alone, with Jisoo or some random acquaintances she had met during those said parties. Making new friends was easy, although she still enjoyed spending time with the first ones she made the most, namely Jisoo, Chaeyoung and Mina.

Taehyung had somehow stopped going out or even hanging out with her as much as before. He seemed more serious about everything, according extra time to his studies and his girlfriend. They still kept a good relationship, although less exciting. She didn't like this side of him and easily guessed Nayeon to be the one responsible for his sudden change of attitude. She thought about telling the boy about it, but a gut feeling kept her from doing so, at least for now.

Plus, going out without him didn't make her have less fun, far from it. Seoul had very good clubs and she had already made a lot of...interesting encounters. Back in Thailand, the few secretive friends she had would always tease her for her promiscuous habits. But what could she say? The girl liked having fun, and that with anyone she'd find interest in. Man or woman. One-night stands were Lisa's trademark as she would hardly find more to the people she slept with than their looks, but she would occasionally keep contact with some of them in case they wanted to repeat the experience. She had tried dating in the past, but nothing good had come out of it. She didn't necessarily had commitment issues, but would get bored very easily. Falling in love wasn't really something very appealing in her eyes either. She wasn't necessarily for or against it, she simply considered it a complication. She knew she wouldn't be able to prevent it to happen if it ever did, she just hoped it would never come.

In a nutshell, Lisa was doing great, enjoying every moment she could. Whether it'd be during the day, during classes or with friends, or at nights, with some beautiful strangers.

But would that last?


It had been two weeks since Jennie's plan of recruiting Lisa had failed, and she found herself getting more and more nervous day by day.

No matter how hard she had tried, she hadn't been able to come up with a single decent idea in order to resolve the whole Nayeon-Taehyung issue. And God knew something was being hatched in the shadow. Jennie was a very pragmatic person and she had asked herself after a week if maybe she wasn't being paranoid. Who knew? Nayeon had perhaps given up on her revenge and genuinely liked her cousin.

If only.

It was Sunday when Taehyung presented his girlfriend to the Kim family. The latter had been invited to dinner and needless to say she had made an excellent impression, acting nicely, funny, and politely. She remembered her aunt complimenting the girl as both Jennie and her were getting the dessert in the kitchen.

"What a well brought up lady!" She had exclaimed excitedly.

And Jennie couldn't help but feel bad as she had been the only one being angry when everyone else was just having a good time. She suddenly decided it would be smart to have a conversation with Nayeon to clear up the latter's true intentions and potentially stop tormenting herself for nothing. An hour later, the dinner was over and everyone started helping cleaning the table.Taehyung and his parents were doing the dishes in the kitchen, Jennie found herself being alone with the girl. 

And it was at this moment that she knew. 

The brunette was about to speak when Nayeon suddenly lifted her eyes, smiling almost diabolically. Words weren't needed. The girl's expression only had said enough. Fortunately, Jennie reflexively kept a straight face and left to her room as if nothing had happened. But as soon as the family's guest had left, she couldn't help but let panic take over and retired to her room as fast and discreetly as possible.

Today was Monday. One week after the incident. Jennie had just finished attending her meeting with the Student Council and was heading to her car. She heard some laughter not far from her, and noticed her cousin and his girlfriend lovingly hugging as the latter was whispering something to his ear. She quickly turned her head and entered the vehicle before driving away as fast as possible. Something was wrong, she thought on her way home. She didn't know why, but she had the feeling all this story was slowly coming to an end.

At this point, Jennie was hardly stressed. Nayeon had shown her true colors and the brunette was now just impatient for her enemy's plan to finally be revealed. She hadn't given up, but was aware she wouldn't be able to prevent whatever was about to happen.

As soon as she parked in the garage, she noticed Taehyung's car arriving. Not wanting to interact with him, she quickly headed inside.

The dinner was ready and both her aunt and uncle were already sat at the table. She joined them and waited for the last member of the family to make his entrance.

A few minutes later, Taehyung opened the door, a determined look on his face. He greeted his parents, and sat in front of his cousin. They all ate in silence for the entire meal. Until this moment finally arrived.

"Dad, Mom, I want to become the Student Council's president."

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