Chapter 13

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Nayeon wasn't always the type of girl desperately running after popularity. And for the very simple reason that she didn't need to, at least not when she was in high school. Back then, she was the queen. Everyone respected and obeyed her.

But things change, and she realized it soon enough when she started college and began her ascension to become the most popular. She had only one rival left, only one. But everything went down at the end of the first year, a few weeks after she had been crowned leader of the cheerleader's team. Without any warning, she learned she had been kicked of the it under the pretext that she had been using her influence to get to that position. A lot of members of the team had apparently complained and the Sports Council decided that the school couldn't tolerate such a behavior. In a few hours only, she went from the school's sweetheart to the school's bully.

She later learned who had been responsible for her fall. Jennie Kim. It was actually her who had used her influence in the team and in the council in order to take her out. At this point, Nayeon didn't need any other reason as she considered this an act of war.

And up until this day, the wound hadn't healed at all. It actually went worse when, a week ago, some arrogant girl had publicly exposed this story that was usually not spoken out loud. At this point, Nayeon couldn't wait anymore. She needed to make her plan to execution and get her revenge on both Jennie and Lisa.

Things were about to change now.



"No but seriously Chaeyoung, you can't just be christian AND against legalization of marijuana, it just doesn't make sense. Like, if Jesus had said "Take this bread, it's my blood and smoke that pot it's my hair." instead of the original saying, alcohol would have been prohibited and we would be able to smoke weed today without having to-"

"Lisa, I get what you're trying to tell me but if you could please lower your voice, I don't think it would be necessary for everyone around to know what your opinion on weed is." The pink haired girl almost muttered, embarrassed by the looks thrown at them.

"Pardon me my friend but I really think everyone SHOULD be listening to me right now, because the world needs to know that-"

"TAEHYUNG IS DATING NAYEON!" Jisoo barged in so suddenly she made Chaeyoung spill her drink.

"What!? How is that even possible?" Answered the pink haired girl who apparently didn't even care about screaming now.

Jisoo quickly sat down, gave her lunchbox to Lisa and took a deep breath before explaining.

"Everyone was talking about it at the cafeteria. Apparently some girls spotted Naeyon getting into Taehyung's car yesterday and this morning, other people said they saw them kissing before heading to their class."

"B-but how...? I didn't even know they knew each oth- Oh my god! How did Jennie react?!" Chaeyoung immediately asked.

"Well, I don't know but kudos to Nayeon for the achievement. She definitely got back in the game now. As for Jennie, I don't even want to think about how she might be. I really pity anyone who'll cross her path today."

Both continued talking animatedly for a while until Jisoo suddenly gasped.


The Thai girl had been silent this whole time, not caring at all about the conversation as she was more focused on her food.

"Mmmh?" She responded, the mouth full of food.

"Don't 'Mmmh' me! Tell me instead what are you going to to now concerning Taehyung's situation, he's your friend after all."

"I don't plan on doing anything." Simply said Lisa a little confused. "Why would I care if he has a girlfriend?"

"WELL," insisted Jisoo, feeling herself become frustrated, "maybe because it is fucking Nayeon that he's dating. Isn't it a little bit odd?"

"Chicken-I mean Jisoo is right Lisa," added Chaeyoung. "That girl might have bad intentions, she surely knows dating him would hurt Jennie, don't you think it's more than a coincidence?"

Lisa looked at both of them for a while before answering with the same nonchalant tone.

"Again, I don't really see how it would be MY place to intervene, it doesn't concern me, doesn't affect me, and doesn't interest me. They're grown-ups, let them do whatever they want."

"You stupid child! Of course it does concern you! Don't you think Nayeon might be, like, very pissed off at you as well? You literally humiliated her a week ago from what I've heard."

Lisa chuckled a little bit, remembering the events of this particular night. How fun she had had.

"Well," continued the Thai girl, smiling, "she has all the rights to be pissed off at me after all. I guess I'll just have to wait and see in that case. But for the moment, as I said, I'm not interested by all of this."

The two other girls couldn't say anything after that. It would be useless. Despite only knowing Lisa for a little more than a week, they knew the girl wouldn't get herself into things she didn't have any interest in. They sighed at the same time and started eating.

"But to come back to legalizing weed, I really think-"

"LISA SHUT UP." Chaeyoung screamed.



Lisa smiled as she was waiting in the library. Alone. Jennie hadn't arrived yet, which would give her a good opportunity to tease the girl. She closed her eyes, leaned back and put her arms behind her head. She suddenly heard the noise of the chair in front of her moving. Knowing her partner was here, she opened her eyes and looked at her, smirking lightly.

"Five minutes really? And I thought you were supposed to teach me discipline." She began.

But Jennie didn't answer. She actually didn't look at her at all and just began taking her things out of her bag. Something was different. It wasn't the first time Jennie ignored her, but the way she acted and the expression on her face were telling Lisa the girl was definitely fuming inside. She decided to let it go and not insist this time, although she was slowly getting a bad feeling about what was about to happen.

"So are we going to start or what?" Spoke Jennie, suddenly and sharply.


"Well then fucking speak already. I'm putting enough effort as it is by just being here." Cut off the brunette, sighing.

Lisa stopped for second, impassible. This situation was starting to get on her patience. She rapidly felt more and more annoyed as Jennie looked at her expectantly, rolling her eyes. The Thai girl sighed, she was going to give her partner one last chance.

"Alright. But first I want to know what are your views on the way this fifth letter-"

"How are my opinions important?! We're doing an analysis for God's sake, are you stu-"

"Okay that's it." Interrupted Lisa, a bored expression on her face. She immediately got up and started packing under the astounded look of her partner. She was about to walk away when the latter suddenly spoke.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going!?" She looked furious.

"Well, outside. I'm going home to get ready, and I'll probably go out with Jisoo or Mina, haven't decided ye-"

"You're not going anywhere Manoban. We are not done here." She commanded arrogantly.

"Ooh believe me your Majesty, I for sure am done. Have a nice evening."

And with that she threw her bag over her shoulder and waved from behind as she got out and disappeared.

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