Chapter 47

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Sunday, 11:45

"Oookay, I think we're done, right?" Jimin let out a relieved sigh, stretching his arms above his head.

"No, we still need to send a last email to the three hotels, asking for their coverage in case of an accident happens in their buildings." Monotonously replied Jennie.

"Uhm, yeah, I told you I already did this like a minute ago."

"Oh. Then yeah, we're done."

The light-haired boy stared at her, perplexed, but the brunette didn't want to meet his eyes. So she simply stayed sat on her chair, before letting her fingers randomly caress the surface of the table in front of her. Had her aunt replaced the cleaning maid? The marble felt softer than usual. Looked shinier too.

"What's wrong Jen?" She heard Jimin softly entreat. "I know I messed up with this whole 'Student Council events planning', and that you must be exhausted, but you..."

"I what."

"You actually seem sad today."

She sucked in a breath, annoyance suddenly letting place to confusion, and then frustration.

"Is it my fault?" The boy voiced again, warily.

And now the guilt, great, thought Jennie, suddenly feeling sorry. Jimin hardly ever sounded so insecure. What did that say about her attitude?

"No, it's not your fault Jim, don't worry." She replied trying to sound as comforting as possible. "I just had a bad night, that is all."

"Oh...Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Her tone was firm this time.

"I see." Jimin lowered his gaze understandingly, which made the girl silently thank him. That was one of her favorite aspect of his personality. The boy knew when not to insist.

"Well, I guess maybe I should go then." He finally said after a while, closing his laptop. "Call me if you need anything."

But as he got up, someone else entered the living room.

"Jimin! How have you been?"

Taehyung walked toward the Student Council president, cheerfully tapping on his shoulder.

"Hey man." The latter responded, smiling. "Rough week, but everything is good now. Though I feel like it's been so long since we haven't talked."

"Damn right, but you're the busy one now, can't blame me." Chuckled the younger boy before turning his attention to his cousin, still sitting silently. "Hi Jennie." He politely greeted.

"Good morning."

"Ooh come on, what's with that face now?" He teased. "Did Lisa destroy your brain cells yesterday?"

But what was meant as a playful remark instantly shut down the whole atmosphere. A small yet very uncomfortable silence washed over the three.

"Wait," suddenly asked Jimin, "you were with Lisa yesterday?"

But before Jennie could answer, Taehyung quickly let out a forced laugh in a mediocre attempt to soothe the air, and his cousin's threatening glare.

"Don't worry dude, Jennie only asked me for Lisa's number because she needed to go to her house to study. Your girl is safe." He genuinely smiled.

However, as sincere and quite beautiful his cheesy grin was, things immediately got worse as he noticed Jennie's eyes had now turned almost murderous.

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