Chapter 30

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If Taehyung's unexpected announcement hadn't already provoked enough disorder and panic in the crowd, Lisa's one definitely made sure to fulfill its duty. This time, it weren't just simple talks but nearly screams of indignation and disapproval that could be heard in the conference room. The girl had removed their right to choose after all, instantly making Jimin the new president. A situation that only about 25% of them were okay with.

Jennie was unable to move as she continued to gape at the Thai girl who didn't even return to her seat and was directly heading outside. When she was about to cross the door, the brunette, almost as a reflex or a spasm, got up on her feet, as if to follow her.


For the third time this morning, surprised washed over the audience when it realized that the owner of this powerful voice was none other than the mediator himself. And it was enough for the students and Jennie to compose themselves once more.

"The elections aren't finished, and even with the abandon of two of our candidates, the third one still has a speech to perform. So shut your jabbering hole and stop complaining for something you are responsible of, because you are the one who chose to trust Mr. Kim and Ms. Manoban and brought them to this final round." He continued in front of a now completely silent public.

"Maybe he isn't as bad of a mediator as I thought he was." Was the first thing that came to Jennie's mind when she saw how easily he had managed to neutralize the chaos.

The rest of the elections was spent in a calm and docile atmosphere as Jimin got onstage and performed the speech the brunette had written for him. But the latter couldn't concentrate one minute and didn't even bother to look at her friend, her mind too busy with something else.

When everything was over, the mediator once more came to the podium.

"Ahem." He coughed. "Very well, now as you probably expected it, the voting has been cancelled for obvious reasons. However, since the director isn't present at the moment, there won't be any ceremony held to celebrate the new Student Council president that is Mr. Park, so I'll simply ask you right now to applaud him for he was the only one who stayed in the end."

And with that, Jimin came back onstage under the not so enthusiastic ovation from the students, wearing his best smile and trying to catch Jennie's attention but in vain.

The elections were over.

Lunch rapidly came and Jennie sat down at the Tree with her friends, who were all celebrating her victory.

"J-jennie, are you okay?" Hesitantly asked Jimin who couldn't understand the brunette's lack of cheeriness. He had won after all, shouldn't she be more happy about it?

"Huh? Yeah! Of course. I'm just still in shock that's all." Replied the girl, forcing a smile on her face.

"Yeah I can't believe what happened either!" Joined in Jeongyeon. "I mean, I guess I get why Taehyung gave up, but what the fuck was with Lisa. Like, she was literally about to win!"

"I gotta admit," continued Jimin, "that I didn't see it coming either. How stupid can you be to give up at such a moment."

"Hey, be a little more respectful!" Hwasa reacted, gently hitting the boy's shoulder. "She probably had her reasons to do so."

"No he's right." Suddenly said Jennie, expressionless. "She was stupid."

Of course she was. There was no other explanation for the Thai girl's actions. The brunette had searched for hours in her head to try to figure out a valid reason for her to give up, and had finally come to the sole conclusion that Lisa must have lost a big part of her brain cells last night to make a decision of the sort.

"God, why am I even bothering..." She thought to herself, realizing she should just be happy right now. She had finally regained control over the council, escaping the inevitable destiny that had been set upon her. A miracle.

A pure and simple miracle.

And at the thought of that, her mood gradually began to improve.


"To our daughter, Lalisa Manoban.

We hope you are having a great time by yourself, experiencing the outside world.

Interesting place isn't it?

To see the small people desperately trying their best and dedicating their humble life to attain what they call 'success' or 'happiness'. It was a really good idea to let you leave in the end, and don't worry, we won't reconsider the opportunity we gave you and force you to come back home. After all, isn't it normal for a child to taste a little bit of freedom in order for them to realize their place belongs with their family?

However, as our daughter, we are sure you understand that we couldn't just let you go without any type of surveillance. And once again, we found out we were right to do so.

Not even a week and you had already managed to get yourself into trouble and make enemies. Good thing we had Lamon watch over you. He was the one who cleaned up the little mess those girls did to your house front, we hope you didn't mind.

He told us a little bit about your life there, specifically about certain elections going on in your college, and it surprised us greatly, in a good way of course. Although we don't know your reasons for participating, it is already very satisfying that you instinctively sought for power to attain your goals. It is in your blood. We are very proud of you and have no doubt on your win.

You are our most prodigious child after all.

Knowing you and your sad little habits of rebelling, we are aware that there is only a small chance of you actually reading this letter, but if you did, we wish you to have as much fun as possible. And we can't wait for you to eventually decide to come back home. We know you will.

With love,

Mom and dad."

Lisa raised he head and gazed at the ceiling of her apartment after having read the letter for the hundredth time since she first opened it. She sighed, closing her eyes. She was tired, angry, discouraged and disappointed. At herself more than at her parents.

They weren't to blame. After all, she was the one who foolishly thought for a second that they had maybe changed, even just a little bit.

Everything in this missive was worse than expected. Not only had they managed to send Lamon to stalk her and report every single one of her movements, but they also were completely satisfied with the way Lisa had wrongfully participated to the elections in order to make her wishes come true. She was acting exactly as they expected her to do, using her influence and skills to her selfish will.

God, she would have rather have them complaining about her actions and order her to come home rather than this.

She shrunk deeper in her couch. It was almost 20:00. She needed a distraction.

Immediately getting up, she grabbed her bag and keys and headed to the entrance of her apartment, a clear destination in mind. She violently opened the door and-

"Hey-OW!" Was all she could hear when she brutally bumped into someone who was apparently about to knock on her door. Collecting herself at the last moment, she raised her head, and her eyes widened in shock when she recognized the mysterious figure standing in front of her.


"Hi." Replied the brunette, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

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