Chapter 12

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If Jennie had to make a list of things she had the most trouble doing, getting up early would probably be on her top 10. Although she had made a habit on waking up every day at the same time, every morning constituted a torture for her. Apparently, being a morning person wasn't an affair of commitment or practice, it was just probably something genetic. But as dreadful as it was, Jennie would always force herself to get up, no matter how shortened her sleep could be, which is exactly what happened last night.

And the reason for that had a name: Dangerous Liaisons by Choderlos de Laclos.

After her study session with Lisa, Jennie had to head to the student's council's meeting that was held every Monday. Being its president meant attending every one of them, and yesterday was no exception. Two hours later, she was finally free and ready to go home, but again, the day wasn't over for the girl who spent a good part of the night studying.

It was about 11:30 when she started packing her belongings for tomorrow. The more she did tonight, the less she would have to do the morning after. But as she put a few folders in her bag, her hand came across something. She pulled the mysterious object out and that's when it hit her. Looking at the book, she remembered the embarrassing moment she had experienced a few hours before. Lisa Manoban. The latter may have been lucky to have already read the book, but that didn't mean Jennie was about to let her take the lead. She needed to finish it as soon as possible, so that they could be on the same level.

Needless to say she didn't go to sleep after that. As she started reading, she set an objective as well as a deadline: before 2:30, she would have read at least 200 pages out of the 400 pages book.

She fell asleep at 3:20 at the 130th page.

So yes, this morning turned out to be harder than usual. A quick shower later, she went downstairs and started preparing breakfast when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Good morning Jennie." Said a low voice.

"Good morning Uncle."

As the man revealed himself, the girl thought about leaving. Because right now, having to be polite had probably stolen the number one spot on the said list from earlier. But the man didn't let her do so as he continued speaking.

"How was the meeting yesterday?"

"Good. We reviewed the budget for the school trips that are going to happen this winter. We also talked about the destinations."

She was hoping the conversation would end here, but deep down, she felt a new question coming. Her uncle wasn't the type to beat around the bush for too long, if he had talked to her, it was for a reason.

"And your brother?"

Jennie flinched at the word. No matter how many times he had used it, its effect on her was always the same.

"Did he show any more interest than last time?" The man continued.

"Not really, but he behaved well." Was all the brunette could let out. She didn't lie, but she knew her answer would not please her interlocutor.

But the latter didn't say more. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed and wished her a good day as he left the house.

Her Law and Economics class was about to start when she saw a familiar silhouette sitting next to her. Although Irene often arrived at the last minute, Jennie always made sure to save her a spot. But today, her friend seemed especially cheerful, as she sat down with a wide smile.

Good thing Jennie had had a big coffee this morning or else she wouldn't have been able to contain her anger when the first thing the other girl said to her was:

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