Chapter 26

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Wednesday, 8:30

"Ladies, gentlemen. Welcome to the second round of these elections." Announced a man as the bell rang, bringing the whole auditorium to a dead silence. He was old, very old. Barely standing straight and almost invisible behind the big podium.

Next to him was a big table and exactly four empty chairs disposed on one side of it, facing the crowd. In front of every seat was a water bottle, papers, pencils and a table tent with the name of a candidate. Each of them seemed to have been placed in order in which they had ranked on the last poll, namely Taehyung, followed by Jimin, Dahyun and Lisa.

Jennie was still sitting in the front row, having chosen the seat facing her French partner. It's not like she had had much of a choice; the Thai girl had specifically requested her to seat there, without giving her any explanation other than: 

"It'll be better if we face each other when the moment comes."

Giving into what almost looked like an order hadn't pleased her to say the least. Once more, she had to blindly trust the girl, who was probably the last person she wanted to submit to.

The old man continued speaking, presenting himself as the mediator for the event that was about to happen. His voice was slow and quiet, despite the microphone's presence, nearly putting everyone in a state of deep sleep. But after what felt like hours of talking, he finally made himself louder.

"Now, I'll ask the candidates to please join me onstage one after the other and sit at their assigned seat."

Following his words, the said candidates, who were patiently waiting in line next to the stage, began climbing the few steps and appearing from the dark. Jennie, as well as the rest of the students, began to scan them one by one as they entered their line of sight.

First came Taehyung, walking confidently to his chair, followed by Jimin and Dahyun. But as the public showed a stoic, almost monastic, calm as the three passed, it couldn't help but gasp when the fourth one hit the stage and delicately walked to her spot. The effect lasted until she sat down, and as soon as she did, Jennie let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

"That girl..." The brunette couldn't even finish her thought.

Lisa Manoban had apparently had the brilliant idea to pick an outstanding outfit, to put it mildly. As each of her rivals had pulled on a classic, formal business attire, the girl went completely against the tide.

High heels. Tight black pants. White silky top, with a deep plunging and v-shaped neckline. And all of that adorned with a burgundy leather jacket resting on her shoulders.

"Damn..." Jennie heard someone awing behind her. 

She frowned. Were people actually approving this?

Angry, but curious at the same time, she discreetly looked back at the crowd. Every eye was directed at the Thai girl, who simply sat there, a very small smile on her lips, although completely ignoring them. Jennie couldn't ignore it; the atmosphere had suddenly shifted.

As everyone was first completely calm and serious, she could sense the actual excitement running now in the air. Lisa had just caught their attention and interest. And that, only with her appearance.

"Of course..." She thought, mentally punching herself, realizing her mistake. She looked at the dark blonde haired girl who was with no doubt stealing the show, and for the first time, the latter deigned to move her eyes at the crowd and directly pointed them into her own. It lasted merely a second, but that was enough for Jennie to loose the control of her breathing for the second time. She cursed internally, and forced herself to focus again. 

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