Chapter 60

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"So what's your favorite color ?" Lisa suddenly asked.

It had been almost one minute since they had entered Jennie's room and none of them had uttered a word.

"...Excuse me?" Jennie let out as she watched the taller girl look around and take a seat at her desk.

"What? Your aunt told us it would be good if we got closer."

"We're literally dating, Manoban."

"Well, that still doesn't change the fact that I don't know what your favorite color is. And I thought I was the distant one." The Thai girl sighed dramatically, leaning back on her seat, staring at the ceiling.

"You are the distant one! And the fact that you were going to run away to my cousin's room to avoid me says it all." Jennie argued back.

"Well I wonder why that may be."

"I wonder as well." She sarcastically puffed, crossing arms and legs as she sat on her bed. "Please then, how about we wonder together? We might be able to find an answer to your cowardice."

"Very well Dr.Phil, you win." Finally gave up Lisa. "Come on, shoot."


"Yeah, talk or whatever."

"And why should I be the one asking ?"

"Because you want to know! Come on Jennie, don't expect a Powerpoint presentation, just ask whatever you want about what happened this evening with your uncle. You must be dying for it." She groaned.

"I see." Sighed the brunette. "Well then yes, I actually have a question."

"No shit, alright, what-"

"Why would I force you to tell me something you clearly don't want to talk about?"

"Well it all started the day I- wait what?" Lisa suddenly widened her eyes.

"I said, why on earth would I want to force you to talk about something you clearly aren't ready to share with me?"



"Is this a way of punishing me by making me feel bad?"


"So you don't want to know why I lied to your family? Or even, what did I lie about, and what I did not?"

"Well yes. But you clearly don't."

"Still, you could force it out of me." Lisa was simply dumbfounded. "It's not like you haven't already pried, spied on me, searched up my apartment, sold your body just for info-"

"Lisa!" Jennie threatened.

"Oh-uh, okay maybe I didn't have to say it like that. Can you go back to being nice and understanding." The Thai girl raised her hands in front of her.

The brunette only rolled her eyes. That girl could be so childish sometimes.

"Listen," she spoke up, looking directly at the big doe eyes in front of her. "As much as I'd like to know what is going on in that twisted brain of yours. As much as I'd like you to tell me everything about you, this is literally our first day dating. I thought about it and in the end, we don't need to rush. I'd rather focus on us for now, because to be honest, this whole thing is what's scaring me the most the moment."

There was a long silence that followed Jennie's words and Lisa slowly felt her face heat up a little bit. She touched her cheeks with the back of her hand.

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