Chapter 6

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"Holy shit," muttered Lisa as she took a huge sip of the bottle she had just stolen from Jeongyeon. "I know they're rich, but this is just next level. Never thought I would see such a precious thing like you here." She kissed the object.

Everything had turned out to be even easier than planned. The moment Lisa had spotted the bottle in that girl's hand, she hadn't stopped looking for the right opportunity to take it from her. Jeongyeon was drunk; letting her waste such a precious liquid would have been a crime. But she was also glad. Without her being tipsy, the altercation with Nayeon wouldn't have happened.

Nayeon...Lisa would have to thank Chicken for this one, because knowing who the girl was immediately gave her an angle of attack.

You didn't have to be a genius to guess Nayeon was probably still very angry at Jennie Kim and her clan. Everything was already soaked with fuel, Lisa just had to add a little spark and that was it, mission accomplished.

Nobody was upstairs, which gave Lisa a complete freedom to go explore the house on her own. As she was walking through the hallway, she took a look at the paintings hanging on both sides of the way. At least Kai's parents had some taste, she thought. She drank.

She eventually found herself in another living room, also empty. However, as soon as she stepped in, she heard a noise behind her; someone was coming. She braced herself, sat lazily on a couch and inhaled loudly closing her eyes as she brought the bottle to her lips. Jeongyeon was probably coming back to claim what was hers.

"So you really thought you were going to be able to just run away after what you did?"

Okay that didn't sound like Jeongyeon at all, thought Lisa, as she opened her eyes and looked up. At the other end of the living room was standing a petite brunette, hands on her hips, glaring at her. Seconds of silence went by as Lisa was staring at the girl, trying to remember. Had she hurt that girl in any way in the past for her to be there? No. Lisa had been in Korea since only yesterday; if she had done something to her, she would have remembered. Looking directly in her eyes, she frowned and squinted her eyebrows.

"Excuse me who are you?"

Jennie widened her eyes in surprise. Was she mocking her? No, she thought, that girl genuinely didn't recognize her. But then how..?

"How can you not know who I am when you literally made a whole speech about what happened between Nayeon and me?"

Lisa blinked, confused, and then it hit her.

"I see. Jennie Kim huh?" She smiled. "Well, it's nice to meet you."

"I wish I could say the same." Responded Jennie, coldly. "I can't believe you went through all of this, manipulating my friend and provoking a fight just so you could get that stupid bottle."

"What can I say," said Lisa, "I'm a weak woman when it comes to great whiskey."

"You're pathetic." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Why thank you," smiled Lisa, "I manipulate to steal some good alcohol, and you kick people out of their sport team to enforce your authority and keep your spot of most popular student, I guess we make a good pair."

That was it for Jennie. Face twisted in anger, she moved forward until she was standing right in front the Thai girl, who didn't move as she looked up and took a sip of whiskey, not breaking eye contact. Jennie clenched her fist, but eventually smirked and spoke very slowly and clearly.

"Now listen very carefully Manoban because I won't repeat myself nor give you another chance like this. I want you to do three things from me. First, do not drink one more drop of this bottle and give it back to Jeongyeon. Second, leave this party and never come to any of them, I don't know how you got there in the first place and I don't care, but this ends now. Lastly, do never talk or make friend with any popular student again, did I make myself clear?"

A few seconds passed. Lisa was still looking at her intensely. The tension so was palpable that if anyone had walked by, they would've probably passed out.

Slowly, very slowly, Lisa rose up on her feet, equaling Jennie's height. Both of them were only a small step away from touching each other.

"So,"Lisa's voice was lower and raspier."If I obey, you won't bother me anymore whereas if I disobey, you'll make my life a living hell, is that right?"


Lisa finally broke the staring contest as she closed her eyes, smiling to herself. She sighed loudly.

And left the room.


"Jeongyeon how are you feeling?" Asked Jennie as she knelt down to the other girl's level. Right after her confrontation with Lisa, she had hurried downstairs to go see how her friend was doing.

"I'm fiiiiiine," responded Jeongyeon, "now that my baby is back, I'm better than ever!" She brandished her whiskey bottle, completely empty.

"Jesus christ," sighed Jennie, " I know there wasn't tons of it left, but still, you could have avoided chugging it that fast. As if you weren't drunk enough."

"Huh? Oh, don't worry, there wasn't one small drop of alcohol left in it. That Lisa girl came to me like a minute ago; she told me she had found it on the floor near the chimney. I guess I must have dropped it during my fight with Nayeon, but at least it isn't broken, so I can still fill it with tea." Smiled Jeongyeon, completely oblivious to the fact she had been played.

"That bitch...well, at least she's gone now." thought Jennie.

"By the way, Lisa is a really nice girl! You should maybe talk to her at some point tonight, I think she went near the pool-"

"WHAT. She is still here?!" shouted the brunette.

"Uhh yeah? Oh! she's actually right there, across the room next to Taehyung, look!"Jeongyeon said as she pointed at the Thai girl who was laughing with the boy.

Jennie slowly turned her head, and saw her. It was at this exact moment, that, coincidently, Lisa chose to look in her direction as well. As soon as they locked eyes, Lisa rose her hand and waved sympathetically at her. Jennie even thought she saw her winking for an instant.

Alright, that was enough.

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