Chapter 39

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"Okay I'm sorry Lisa, we should have never doubted you."

"Bwaah I think I lost a kidney just from those last three days."

"Agree. Lisa please, I think we got it. You don't need to prove your point any more."

Sitting at the other end of the table, the Thai girl was tranquilly sipping on a juice box while facing what looked like a shapeless mass of zombies laying all over the bench. Giving it one last look of disdain, she closed her eyes innocently.

"Oh, really? Because I still recall you calling me a hermit, a couch potato and even a grandma for not going out with you last weekend, so I thought it would be normal to-"

"To force us to go party all night with you three days in a row? During the week ?? While still having to go to classes ??? " Suddenly bursted out Jisoo, before bringing her hand to her mouth, and rushing to the nearest bathrooms.

"You're insane Lisa! How can you even sit like nothing happened?" Complained Chaeyoung, while rubbing the back of a probably dead Taehyung. "I can't even make a single and decent memory of those last 72 hours..."

But the defendant didn't deign to try to argument more, letting a simple 'That's what you get for insulting me.' while taking another sip of her drink.

"Anyway." Continued the pink haired girl. "At least it is over now. I think I need a full week rest before going out again."

"Well, about that..." Immediately retorted Lisa with a smile on her face.

"What?!" Yelled Chaeyoung in a despair, while Taehyung had raised his head in utter astonishment and Jisoo, who had just gone out of the toilets, made a 180 degree turn to run back in.


"Hey guys, I finally got the confirmation that my parents are leaving this weekend. Are you still down for a party at my house this Saturday?" Proposed Jimin once everyone was sat at the table under the Tree.

"That's my man!" Immediately reacted Kai, tapping his friend's shoulder as a sign of approval.

"Wait, I'm only available this Friday." Groaned Jeongyeon. "Can't your parents leave sooner or something?"

"I'm afraid not. Jennie what do you say?" He then turned to a very pensive girl. "Jennie?"

"Hmm? Sorry what is that?"

"Jimin was proposing to have a party at his house Saturday night." Hwasa explained.

"Well, that sounds nice. But in what honor?"

"Can't I celebrate life as I please without always having specific reasons for it?" The boy asked with a smile, which only threw the brunette off. Had he gotten over her ditching his celebration event two weeks ago?

"I guess you can." She finally responded with a smile. "Plus, a party would be more than welcomed actually." She added, earning a loud praise from everyone else around. But as that last sentence had been interpreted as an act of goodwill, Jennie had clearly meant it to be taken literally.

She needed this party.

Today was Thursday, and the least she could say was that she had probably never been that mentally exhausted in her life.

Four days. Four days since she had made the decision to befriend Lisa, and four days since she hadn't found any good ways to approach her. Not that she hadn't thought of any, on the contrary. She had made a whole list on different possible scenarios but somehow, none of them were satisfying enough for the brunette to let go of her pride and put them to the test. And the more she waited, the more frustrated she became.

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