Chapter 53

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"By the way Lisa, now that all of this is over, would you care to tell me what the hell was this whole thing with Jisoo?" Asked Chaeyoung as she watched the Thai girl take another sip of her drink. "I mean, I understood that you wanted her to win to make Irene trow a tantrum, but why didn't you participate."

"Isn't it obvious? Chicken winning would have caused way more damage since she's basically viewed as a nobody." Replied Lisa before earning a huge slap on her shoulder from Jisoo sat at her side. "Hey! It's not like it really matters now anyway."

"Right." Agreed the pink haired girl. "Although, I'm still wondering how Jennie found out about it."

"Well, she was with me this whole time, and I kind of told her everything." Lisa answered a little embarrassed. "I guess this whole villain's final speech only works in movies."

"Wow, I can't believe you sold yourself like that. Still, props to Jennie for her quick reaction, I bet you didn't see that coming."

"Yeah..."She only let out, slowly getting lost in her own thoughts.

Chaeyoung was right, Jennie had definitely surprised her. And she still couldn't decide whether being won over by the brunette was something that bothered her as she clearly remembered this weird feeling raising in her chest the moment she saw her running to the stage and announcing herself as a participant. What was it? Desire? No. It couldn't be. Not that Jennie wasn't desirable, but something about her being able outplay the Thai girl was very appealing, fascinating even.

Sure, Jennie had proven herself many times that she wasn't an idiot, but those moments actually set her apart from anyone else she knew. And that was weird. Maybe this whole friend relationship was actually a bad idea, maybe she should just turn this whole thing around, fuck the brunette's brains out one night and therefore finally get rid of those thoughts that began to become more and more present as she spent time with her.

She frowned, sensing her whole body rumble in disapprobation.

Well, she thought, apparently that was not an option.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Lisa." Mina softly called.

"Hmm? No I'm fine, just thinking. Hey." The dark blonde turned her attention to Kai, who was busy talking to Taehyung. "So, not that I easily hold grudges, but I recall losing against you at a shot battle not too long ago, how about a rematch?"

"Whenever you want Princess. I can go all night." He replied with a sly smile, but before she could say anything else, her eyes quickly drifted to a group of students walking up to them.

"Well, actually, I think this might have to wait." She them simply commented as she recognized them. Deeply sighing, she leaned back in her chair and brought her bottle to her lips. This was going to be interesting.

"Hi everyone!" Jeongyeon greeted happily as her, Hwasa Irene, Jennie and Jimin arrived at the table. "You guys don't mind if we join you right?"

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were the first one to react as their jaws dropped in surprise.

"Sure, we can all fit in just right." Warmly answered Taehyung as he scooted closer to Mina, indicating to the others to do the same. The round table wasn't very small, but still not large enough for anyone to sit at it without being pressed to everyone else, which clearly made some of them uncomfortable.

But as they all started to gather extra chairs, Irene suddenly moved hers, crawling in between Jisoo and Chaeyoung, making both of them jump in fear.

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