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Draco looked down to his right where his arm was looped through Eclaire's and then back at her face which was set in an angry pout, her eyebrows knitted and nose scrunched. Her legs tried to speed-walk as far as possible from the Weasley Wizard Wheezes, tried being the word, the silver haired wizard had no difficulty keeping up with her shorter than average strides.

Now that he thought about it, she looked like an angry Guineapig.

"Are you okay?" He asked after they neared the end of Diagon Alley.

Eclaire looked up to him in confusion.

"I should be asking you that!" She replied finally letting go of his arm and immediately missing the warmth that being attached to his body provided.

"It's nothing I haven't already heard, Claire." Draco said, his heart feeling warm despite the icy weather.

"That isn't how it works!" Eclaire replied, frustrated at his nonchalance. "No matter how many times that's been said to you doesn't make it any less hurtful!" Eclaire said putting her hands on her hips. "It doesn't make it okay!" She huffed out angrily blowing a piece of her hair that dared to fall in front of her eyes.

"Have you ever stopped to think that maybe whatever he said is right?" Draco said halting his steps.

"What?" Eclaire stopped to look at him, his blue eyes unfeeling and icy. Eclaire did not like seeing him so closed off...unattached.

"I'm not a saint, Claire. Get out of your fucking happy bubble and look around you," he said dropping her hand and gesturing around them. People were staring at him, whispering, eyes prying—questioning, blaming.

"Draco..." Eclaire whispered looking up at him, knowing the direction of Draco's train of thoughts. He's self blaming again. She thought to herself.

"I'm not this fucking hero you think I am! I'm the goddamn villain and it's best you accept that! You've been assigned to me because I'm a suspect— A criminal! You tag along with me because that's your bloody job not because we're friends so stop fucking acting like you care. It's fucking annoying." Draco knew he'd made a huge blunder as soon as the words left his mouth but seeing tears glistening in Eclaire's eyes consolidated that fact.

So he reacted the only way he knew, he turned around and disapparated.


It had been a week since his word vomit and Draco was fine. He was exceptionally well, ofcourse. Why would Eclaire not talking to him affect him at all? It didn't, not one bit.

Infact, he was brilliant. Less noise to my ears anyway. He thought but his eyes betrayed his facade as they longingly stared at the door of his office, where he could hear the enchanting laugh of the petite witch from right outside the door. She refused to come in.

"I'm just here to keep an eye on you, isn't it? Then I can do that from outside. There's no way you can apparate in or out of Hogwarts and this is the only door so I'll be right outside." She had said as she slammed the door on her way out, refusing to look at the silver-haired wizard.

He huffed and picked up his book to move to his next class with the third years. His shoes clicked on the tiled floor as he walked and with a flick of his wand, the door slammed open making Eclaire jump up in fright causing her pink drink to spill all over the floor.

Draco held back a snort at the look of complete shock on the midget's face as if she never would have expected anyone to walk through the door.

The silver haired wizard muttered a quick enchantment under his breath making the mop next to his door start sweeping. He turned around and walked forward soon hearing her footsteps following him.

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