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The silver haired wizard could feel the hair on his neck stand straight as soon as he stepped into the run down place mentioned in the letter. The sun had set and there wasn't a single street light that worked within a mile radius.

What a cliché. Draco thought as he strode into the ruin of a building confidently, wand in hand and his boots clicking with every step that he took was the only sound to be heard.

This is it. He thought as he finally stepped into what looked to be an under construction room where a lone figure stood. His steps ceased.

"Didn't think you'd actually show up, Malfoy." The silver haired wizard looked up as icy blues clashed with dirt brown.

"Creevey." The silver haired wizard said, his eyes zeroing in on the smirking face of Dennis Creevey.

"Expecting your girlfriend, were you? Too bad it's me instead."

Draco smirked, taking a step forward. "If you were trying to impersonate Eclaire, I'll tell you it was one sorry attempt."

"You mean to say you knew it wasn't her and still showed up alone? Don't take me for a fool, Malfoy!" Dennis grated out.

"First off, she never calls Yuko Kobayashi, they've known each other for over eight years— they're way past the last name basis." The blue eyed wizard said taking a step forward. "Second, she never commands people. She cannot go a sentence without saying please."

Draco said, now starting to walk forward. "And third," he said taking another step forward."My girlfriend does not own an owl." Draco smirked.

"You're smarter than I give you credit for." Dennis said, his beady eyes narrowing. "But apparently not smart enough. Nonetheless, you probably were not expecting me, or you'd have brought company." Dennis said, his grip on his wand tightening.

"You were exactly what I was expecting. A spineless serial killer." The silver-haired wizard said, his eyes hardening.

Dennis Creevey's face turned bright red, burning with anger. "I am not a serial killer!" He screamed as he chanted, "Avada Kedavra!"

The silver haired wizard swiftly blocked his spell with a flick of the wrist. Maybe I shouldn't be taunting a crazed killer. Maybe. He thought to himself.

"See? Turning to the dark arts and you deny being a muderer." Draco said clicking his tongue. Probably not. But since when did I ever care about doing the right thing?

"It was you and your friends, the lot of bloody criminals that were murderers! You took my mother—" Another spell. "Crippled my wife—" Another spell thrown with greater intensity, "and murdered my brother!" He said as the intensity and frequency of spells increased.

"And what does the Ministry do? It—" Spell, "Deems—" spell, "you—" spell, "Innocent! Murderers with blood on their hands—Innocent!"

"So you take it upon yourselves to avenge the fallen by killing more innocents? Tell me I'm not the only one seeing the glaring flaw with your plan." Draco said, blocking another spell.

"If not me, then who?! The wizarding world has conveniently forgiven the likes of you!" Dennis said, his eyes fervently appearing more crazed with each spell that he cast. "Letting you fall in love, get married, offering you jobs! Why do you get to live this life when my brother didn't?!"

Draco blocked yet another Killing Spell that reached far too close for his liking.

That's fucking enough. I'm not reasoning with a psychopath. That's midget's forte not mine. Draco thought as he swiftly sent a disarming spell his way. Dennis Creevey's wand flew out of his hand as he landed quite a few feet back.

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