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"What are you looking at?" The silver haired wizard sneered at a passerby who kept stealing glances at him. The woman blushed and walked off.

He hadn't even started work and he already hated it.

He wondered if accepting that offer was a mistake as he let the firewhiskey touch his lips and felt the familiar burn of the liquid.

The Three Broomsticks had remained the same as he remembered it during his school days. Given, it was much less crowded for the fact that school year was yet to begin.


He finished his firewhiskey in a gulp and got up to leave from the table. Though there weren't a lot of customers, the stare he got from the remaining lot were enough to get accross the point.

He wasn't welcome.

The doorbell jingled as he walked out of the store. He put his hands inside his coat as he made his way back to the castle.

He hadn't made it very far when he noticed it. A woman climbing the ledge of the small bridge that one had to cross to reach the Hogwarts grounds. A jumper? It's not even suicide season. He thought to himself as he saw her reach the other end.

Something stirred inside him. No. Absolutely not. I am not playing the hero. I'm the goddamn villain, why do I care if somebody wants to fucking jump? He thought to himself.

Draco's feet moved before he could think twice. He ran with everything in him to reach the woman just as her foot slipped. He latched onto her body and pulled her back over the railing onto the bridge.

"Are you out of your God-damn mind?! Merlin! What an idiot!" Draco said getting the woman to stand on her feet who had her back to him. Draco could still feel the adrenaline coursing through his system.

"Thank you—" She said turning around with a cat sat innocently in her hands. But her sentence stopped midway as her soft brown eyes landed on her rescuer, a surprised gasp escaping her lips.

Draco had already been expecting her reaction. He didn't know why he felt the need to save her. It was pointless anyway. Maybe I'm best being the villain. He thought bitterly as he turned around to leave.

"Your hair! It's white!" She gasped out in wonder pointing her finger at him as she held the cat with the other.

Draco stood confused for a moment.

"What?" He said.

"Your hair's white!" She exclaimed in wonder again, immediately pulling her finger back she said, "Sorry, it's rude to point fingers." The woman said abashedly.

"Are you a metamorphmagus? I've never actually met one but they're really cool." She said excitement radiating off her as her eyes gleamed. Her shoulder length dark hair was a mess and made the short woman appear almost childlike. The cat in her arms meowed.

Draco Malfoy had never been more confused.

"Do you not know who I am?" He muttered genuinely confused.

"You're Draco, ofcourse. I've heard about you." The brown-haired witch said, her eyes shining with excitement."They always mention the fact that you have white hair but I never actually believed it but it really is white. Is that natural? Wait, you are Draco, right?" She blabbered on bouncing on her feet as her shoulder length brown hair bounced with her.

Draco couldn't remember the last time someone used just his first name. It had always been Draco Malfoy. The cat meowed again.

"Were you going to jump with the cat?" Draco asked sceptically gesturing towards the cat.

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