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Eclaire Adams was in trouble.

"Oh no oh no oh no!" She cried as she frantically searched her bedroom but it was nowhere to be found. She looked everywhere—Under the table, under the bed, under the mattress, behind the curtains but it wasn't there!

She plopped down on to the plush bed that Draco had bought just a month ago, dejected. She felt the sting of tears forming in her eyes.

"No!" She stood up promptly, slapping both her hands on her face. "I'm going to find it!" She said determined. She quickly put on a sweater and a pair of shorts. Tying her hair up into a ponytail, she grabbed her satchel and stepped out.

"Mom? Where are you going?" Eclaire turned around to face her ten year old son. Elijah Malfoy's hazel eyes fluttered as he looked at her innocently, his black hair neatly combed back.

"Eli! Good morning dear." Eclaire said, kissing him on the cheeks and hearing a soft good morning in return. "Mom is going to run a very important errand—"

"Did you lose something again?" Elijah asked quirking his head, his gaze knowing. Eclaire winced.

"I haven't lost it! It's just...temporarily missing." Eclaire said, smiling.

"Does dad know?" Elijah asked.

"Well no— and I would like it if it remained like that." Eclaire said sheepishly.

"Will you take me to Tim Horton's?" Elijah asked.

"Who's going to Tim Horton's?" Eclaire saw her youngest pop his head out, his curly dark hair bouncing atop his head.

"Mom's lost something again and she's going to take us to Tim's if we don't tell dad." Elijah looked back at his brother and explained.

Nine year old Jonah Malfoy's caramel skin lit up with excitement and he high-fived his brother. "Aight, bet."

"Bet? Bet what?" Eclaire asked confused. "And I made no such promise!" Eclaire whisper yelled.

"Then are we allowed to tell Dad?" Jonah asked, blinking innocently.

Eclaire gasped. Her own sons, blackmailing her. "You two take after your father so much." She finally sighed, shaking her head in defeat. "Get ready. I'll take you to Tim Horton's if we find what I'm looking for."

The duo didn't need to be told twice as they dashed to their rooms and were out within ten minutes. Eclaire left a voicemail for Draco telling him that she was taking the kids out for breakfast and that they'd be at their cafe by lunch.

"But what did you lose, Mom?" Jonah said getting into the back seat of their car with Elijah. Eclaire got in with them and sighed befire showing them her left hand. Both of them collectively gasped.

"You lost your ring?!" Both of them exclaimed at the same time.


Eclaire and her children got to searching as soon as they reached the grocery store that Eclaire always frequented.

"Are you sure you had it when you were here?" Eli asked looking through the aisles for a glittering piece of jewellery among a pile of broccoli.

"Yes! I know I had it just yesterday when I came to stock up on the items for the bakery!" Eclaire sighed looking through various assortments of eggs and dairy.

"Mom, I'm going to go check the flour section," Elijah said turning to face his mother, "And Jo, you go look in the fruits section." He said looking at his brother. Jonah nodded eagerly.

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