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"Stop staring at him and get to work!" Analise slapped her co-worker, Susanne's shoulder only for Susanne to scowl.

"Such a fine specimen was made to be stared at Anna!" Susanne sighed dreamily.

"All your pining is in vain as he would never even look at you." Analise huffed, sorting through the clothes on the rack.

Susanne gasped, offended. "Did you just call me ugly?"

Analise waved her hand without even turning to look at her co-worker. "No offense, Susan. It's not so much about how you look..." She stopped, looking around before leaning in as if to whisper a secret. "He's never even paid any heed to Miss Caterina so I'm pretty sure he's immune to looks."

Susanne gasped yet again as she stole a look at the man once again. Caterina Thomas had been crowned Miss Canada the year prior.

This time it was Susanne who leaned in to whisper, "Is he into men, then?" It would be such a shame, though. A man so beautiful...She thought.

Analise laughed and shook her head. "God, no." She said as she picked out clothes from the rack. "He's married and devoted to his wife."

"Hmph." Susanne huffed out. "As if that's stopped any man ever."

Analise hummed. "It's certainly stopped this one." She said. "He's been in the industry for four years now and has never so much as entertained any other woman longer than necessary. Boss literally had to force him to model for this shoot with Caterina."

Susanne's eyes widened. "His wife must be absolutely gorgeous." She said. "But still, how does one ignore the advances of women with the face of Caterina Thomas on the daily? It's just absurd!" She groaned.

They watched as Caterina, in all her golden haired, blue eyed glory sauntered over to her modeling partner with legs that ran forever, offering him her country-winning smile. They watched as he turned around without even offering her an acknowledgement.

Susanne's jaw dropped as Analise muttered, "Told you so."

"Anna! Susan! Where the hell are you?! Is Cat's makeup going to apply itself?! Quit chatting and get to work!" They heard their boss screech.

Susanne got to her work, applying a flawless base of makeup on Caterina, though her skin did not require much after-all. She watched the models take their place as the cameras began to flash, knowing their faces were going to be plastered on the newest cover of Vogue tomorrow.

The crew watched the models do what they did best. Despite it being a couples shoot, Susanne realised none of the poses were as scandalous as she'd witnessed some couple shoots to be. To be honest, it looked more cordial than romantic.

She watched the mesmerizing blue eyes of the male model focus on the camera, never lingering on Caterina for more than a second. It almost felt as if he was repulsed by her presence. Which was actually funny if you looked at it. A fully developed straight male repulsed by the prettiest woman in Canada. Susanne thought.

The shoot wrapped up in less than an hour including the breaks—which by modelling standards was much less time than normal. Susanne and Analise got to helping the set wrap up when Susanne saw the male model's eyes light up. She followed his line of sight to watch a tiny brunette woman by the door entering with a bag of food, her eyes bright with a smile.

Susanne watched as the tiny brunette bounced her way over to the male model who welcomed her with his arms opened, his face lit with a smile and eyes full of adoration.

"Wow." Susanne muttered.

"I told you so." Analise patted her shoulder.


Draco watched as the brown eyed witch bounced her way over to him after handing the guard his own share of donuts. He opened his arms wide as she fit in perfectly, wrapping her own arms around his torso. Home.

"Where were you?" He all but whined.

Eclaire giggled covering her mouth. She leaned forward to peck his cheek. "I still had customers to look after." She told him. "How was work, love?" She asked.

"Dreadful." Draco sighed. "All these muggles trying to touch me and glaring at me." He said glaring right back at the worker named Susanne who had been staring at him the whole day. "Insolent fools." He huffed out.

"Just a few months more, my love. And they all seem nice to me." Eclaire said smiling at the crew who smiled right back.

"That's because you're a Hufflepuff."

That earned him a slap on the chest.

"I love you, you know that?" He whispered, bending down in her ear.

"And I love you right back." She beamed at him.

The past four years had gone by in a blur. Draco and Eclaire had managed to stagger their way to the Ministry after the ordeal to recount what had taken place at the delapidated building. After being given Veritaserums and their innocence being confirmed, Eclaire was acquitted of the murder as an act of self-defence. Dennis Creevey was sentenced to fifty seven years in Azkaban for his conspiracy. Eclaire had been officially appointed as an auror and Draco's friends had been released.

However, after all was well, Draco and Eclaire still did not feel at peace. The wizarding world had been nothing but a whirlpool of bad memories for the duo. And though, Eclaire believed with all her heart and soul that her lover was a man worth redemption, the rest of the wizarding community did not share her disposition.

So they simply left—to a world where nobody recognised the two, swearing off of the Wizarding World which had only brought the couple myriads of pain. They left, leaving all of their belongings behind including the Malfoy Wealth. Taking only two pairs of clothes each and apparating to whatever came to their mind first— in their case Canada.

Honestly, the short haired witch had been ready to spend her nights on the streets with him but her man was apparently not made to be poor.

It had taken them all but twenty minutes on the streets of Toronto to be scouted by a modelling firm. They were in dire need of muggle money so Draco had accepted the contract of four and a half years. Now, only six months remained of the contract and Draco did not wish to renew it, though he was quite good at it if the number of his fans was any indication. In the meantime, Eclaire had opened up a small bakery that had become popular over the years.

They were happy.

They were content.

Because they had each other.

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