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Eclaire Adams awoke from quite literally the best slumber she'd had in quite a while. Considering the short haired witch's tendency to be awoken before the break of dawn by some creature in need of saving, Eclaire rarely ever slept in.

Maybe it was the plushness of the layers of bedding that she lay on, perhaps the silky covers that grazed her skin with a feathery touch providing the much needed warmth or perhaps it was the everpleasing scent of Chocolate And Spice that held her in.

Eclaire stretched her arms as she patted the spot beside her, only to find it empty. Where did he go? She thought as she got up. She looked around the dark interiors of the room and noted it to be devoid of anyone but her. She pouted.

She stepped out of the bed, still clad in nothing but a shirt, his shirt, as she opened the door to the bathroom. Empty.

"Hmmph." Eclaire pouted as she crossed her arms. She padded towards the huge bed as she knelt down to look under the bed.

"What are you doing?" The silver haired wizard entered his bedroom only to find Eclaire squatting on the carpet.

"I was looking for you!" Eclaire's face lit up on finding what she'd been looking for as she grinned up at him.

"Under the bed?" Draco asked raising one of his brows as he strode into the room putting a glass of pumpkin spice tea down on his bedside table.

Eclaire nodded her head, still sitting on the floor as she grinned. Draco shook his head as he offered her his hand which she gladly took, assaulting him with one of her bear hugs.

"Where did you go? I missed you." Eclaire said looking up from the hug. She watched as Draco's ears turned pink at her blatant confession of affection while he tried to act nonchalant.

"Says the one pulling a disappearing act every time she stays over." He huffed out. "Honestly woman, I cannot recall the number of times I've been awaken by your distress calls in the middle of the night." Draco said as he recalled the time he'd awoken to find her house in flames, or when she'd been hanging off a tree branch before the break of dawn, or the time when he'd awakened to find her missing only to find her being chased by a ferret in his garden. How she managed that feat, he hadn't a clue.

"That's different..." Eclaire mumbled sheepishly.

"Is it?" Draco smirked as he shook his head.

"Where did you go, though? I like waking up by your side. We rarely ever get to sleep over due to our jobs." Eclaire sighed.

"As enticing as that sounds," Draco said kissing her forehead, "Martha's on leave today so I went ahead and bought breakfast."

"Did you get—"

"Pumpkin Spice Tea? How could I ever forget?" He smiled seeing the short haired witch's face fill with glee as she made a dash to the bathroom.

Was I just abandoned for a cup of tea? He thought as he heard the sounds of frantic brushing from his bathroom.


"I can't believe they're going to discontinue this in a week." Eclaire sighed heavily as she drank the final sip of her Pumpkin spiced tea, lying on Draco's chest on his sofa.

"It'll be back in a few months." Draco reasoned as he sipped his own coffee in the tumbler that Eclaire had given him.

He laughed at the apalled look on the woman's face. "Can't you just make it? It can't be that hard surely?"

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