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Eclaire strained her neck to stare at the face of Rosalind Creevey and her perfectly manicured hand digging her wand into Eclaire's back.

"Hers. It was her wheelchair prints that were a match." Eclaire whispered, to no one in particular.

"Who?" The silver haired wizard said with pure confusion.

Angry green eyes glared at the man in front of her. Clad in a red dress that flowed to the ground, hiding her feet propped up on a wheelchair she bit out, "Wife of the man you just subjected to horrific treatment-"

"Just to set things straight, your man was the one trying to kill me." Draco grit out feeling his pockets for his wand, only to realise he'd willingly thrown it away in his attempt to punch the deranged husband. Shit.

"WITH GOOD REASON!" She bellowed. Great. The wife's deranged too. Draco thought. "If it wasn't for you I would still have the ability to walk! If the likes of you had not brought in the deatheaters inside the school, I would not have been crippled! My husband would still have his brother! You caused it! You and your group of minions!"

"It was the death-eaters who did that. You cannot blame and frame teenagers for being responsible for the crimes actual criminals committed! They have been punished-" Eclaire began only to be cut off abruptly.

"Punished?! Then why does he and his friends get to have the happy endings that we did not?!" Rose said digging her wand furthermore, making Eclaire feel the sharp pain of being prodded with a magically infused object.

"Why do we suffer while they- oh no you do not!" Rose exclaimed as she saw Eclaire trying to reach for her wand. She snatched it out of Eclaire's boots and threw it accross the room. Rosalind quickly muttered a spell under her breath and Eclaire felt her feet freeze, unmoving."Think you're smart, do you? How does it feel not being able to use your feet? Does it feel helpless? " The green-eyed witch mewled, digging her wand in deeper, drawing blood making the brown eyed witch wince.

Eclaire tried moving her feet but to no avail, they wouldn't budge. If only she had her wand; she looked accross the room to where it lay. Even if she could move her legs, she would be dead meat before she could take two steps forward.

"It is me you want, is it not?" Rose heard the silver haired wizard say. "Then I am yours to take. Eclaire has nothing to do with this, release her and let her go." Draco said calmly.

Rose's eyes narrowed. "And why should I? She sealed her fate the moment she decided to get defiled by joining your side. And she has been the biggest nuisance in all of my plans! If it wasn't for her, Dennis and I would have got away with our plan unscathed-but now that we've been uncovered anyway, it matters not how many I take down as I go."

Draco's eyes hardened. "She hasn't done anything wrong-"

"And neither have you!" Eclaire screamed from where she stood, horrified at what her lover was suggesting. She wanted to speak more but his unwavering gaze quieted her.

"It was the deatheaters you wanted from the beginning wasn't it? I stand before you-the last of the lot that isn't dead or imprisoned and I will willingly offer myself up if you let her go."

"And how would that be any more beneficial than killing you both?" Rosalind glared.

"I will take responsibility for all the murders and clear both Dennis and your name. You can have your revenge and get away without a blotch on your names." Draco's words resounded through the delapidated building as both Eclaire's and Rose's eyes widened at his suggestion. One with excitement and the other with horror.

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