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Draco looked at his wristwatch that read 9:26 am. Eclaire was late. And while he didn't put it past her to be delayed because she was trying to save some random species she found on the way, she had never been this late.

8.30 am had been their meet-up time for the past month and a half and she had always made it before the clock struck 9.

She might've gotten eaten by some hippogriff she was trying to pet for all I care. He thought to himself as he threw the extra cup of coffee that he'd gotten for himself. Yes, the extra coffee was meant for him. It wasn't like he'd bought it for her. No, it was for him. Even though he already had one for himself.

His polished black shoes clicked against the floor as he strided to his classroom, his books clutched in one hand and his coffee in the other.

She could disappear from the face of earth for all I care. He thought to himself as he entered the classroom. But somehow, that thought unsettled him.


The clock read 12:29 pm. Draco knew already ofcourse, considering he'd been eyeing the clock every few minutes in between grading homework.

Did she really get eaten by a Hippogriff? He thought to himself thinking back to his own encounter with one in his third year. He shivered.

He shook his head. "Why do I care? She's just an auror the Ministry forced upon me. I should be glad she's gone. I am glad she's gone." He huffed out.

He looked down at the blue pen he was holding.

Time: 12:34 pm.

"Come in." Professor McGonagall called out on hearing a knock on her office door.

Draco popped his head in.

"Professor Malfoy? What brings you here?" Professor McGonagall's eyes widened in surprise behind her glasses as she sat up straighter gesturing for Draco to sit.

Draco confidently took a seat with the poise fit for a Malfoy. His exterior oozed confidence but the single drop of perspiration running down his forehead gave away his discomfort.

"I wanted to enquire about Eclaire." Draco said confidently. "She hasn't shown up today." He added.

Minerva had to struggle to constrain her smile.

"She called early in the morning informing me that she won't be able to report today. Apparently, she has contracted a cold."

Draco's eyes widened.

"She's sick?" He asked to confirm.

"Precisely, yes." Minerva said nodding. "Haven't you heard from her?" Minerva asked Draco who shook his head.

"It's no surprise, actually." Minerva said shaking her head. "She lives in the muggle world and doesn't own an owl."

"How did she contact you then, Professor?" Draco asked.

"Through the fireplace. Thank Merlin she has one of those." Professor McGonagall said shaking her head.

Draco nodded his head.

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