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"What do you mean rejected?!" Draco asked stupefied.

"It means that we didn't get a warrant for questioning Burke." Yuko said irritably.

"But that's fucking absurd." The silver haired wizard muttered confused. "Why wont they—" Draco continued.

"Because Ronald is the one responsible for the case. Harry's off the continent for work so the authority rests with Ronald. We can't do anything till Harry returns." Yuko sighed rubbing his face.

"We can try convincing Hermione!" Eclaire chimed in, determined.

"I already tried. Ron's been guarding her like a damn watchdog." Yuko muttered irritably.

"We can't just sit and do nothing!" Eclaire grumbled as she swung her feet back and forth from her chair. Being short was a blessing, really. How else would you swing your feet from a chair otherwise?

"We have to wait for Harry to return, Vanilla. That's the only option we have." Yuko sighed.

Eclaire groaned out aloud. "There's lives at stake here! And the date of conviction is just around the corner!"

"It's not like we can barge into the bloke's house and kidnap him!" Yuko snapped back.

"Why can't we do that?" The silver haired wizard asked, tilting his head from where he sat on his chair in his study.

"You cannot be serious." Yuko deadpanned but the silver haired wizard didn't seem to be joking in the slightest. Draco shrugged.

"Because there's a million laws we would be breaking!" Yuko exclaimed, apalled at what the silver haired wizard was suggesting. He's lost it. Absolutely lost it. He thought to himself as he turned to the short-haired witch.

"Vanilla, please tell your man how stupid the idea is." Yuko sighed but the short haired witch remained quiet, her eyes concentrated. A look the dark haired wizard knew all too well. "Eclaire you cannot possibly be thinking—"

"Mattheas Burke lives alone except for a maid that leaves after making his dinner, which should be around seven. It's quarter past six so we have around forty-five minutes to plan our ambush. His maid returns at dawn so we have around a nine hour window to get the answers we want without—"

Yuko cut Eclaire off. "You cannot be serious. Eclaire, what you're suggesting is a crime! Breaking into private property, holding someone hostage and torturing them for information; Do you know how much of a sentence we're looking at here? We'd be in Azkaban for years!"

"Come now, Yuko. I didn't say anything about torturing." Eclaire said waving her hand as if Yuko had just recited a joke.

"Look at the glint in his eyes and tell me he doesn't have torture on his mind!" Yuko pointed at Draco who just shrugged non-committedly.

"I don't see anything in his eyes except beauty." Eclaire said crossing over to plant a quick kiss on Draco's cheek. "You won't torture him, will you?" Eclaire whispered to her silver haired wizard.

"Only if you want me to." He whispered back.

"Vanilla, please. Think. All of us are going to lose our jobs and most probably spend time in Azkaban for this." Yuko tried in a futile attempt.

"You can come work for me. I needed a new helper anyway." Draco deadpanned.

Yuko glared at him.

"Yuko, our only option is waiting it out before someone gets killed and an innocent person gets framed for it. Again. Harry isn't going to be back for another two weeks. Do you know how many potential murders we're looking at here?" Eclaire sighed exasperatedly.

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