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Draco Malfoy was annoyed.

He hadn't heard from the short haired witch ever since they had returned from the wedding, which had been six days ago. Six days. It seemed as if the short haired witch was avoiding him. For what reason, he hadn't a single clue.

Draco sat sipping his coffee in front of the fire of his drawing room in concentration. As far as he knew, he hadn't done anything to warrant her wrath, or lack thereof.


Was she mad that he had kissed her? He tried to wrack his brain for any signs of discomfort or disapproval at his actions but he found none. She had been the one to initiate the contact!

Outside, the sky crackled with warning, signifying the beginning of an impending storm. Draco looked at the door, impatient for the short haired witch's arrival. She'd been gone for hours now, for a meeting at the Ministry.

Suddenly, the door slammed open to reveal the short haired witch that had been taking up much of his thoughtprocess, the ends of her jeans covered in mud and her hair full of twigs, clutching her satchel.

"Where on earth have you been?!" Draco asked slamming his tumbler down on the table and coming to stand in front of her.

Eclaire's eyes widened on seeing the very man she had been avoiding for almost a week now. The very hauntingly beautiful blue eyes that she was dreading were gazing upon her with intensity and for a moment, Eclaire forgot everything around her as she unwillingly found herself drowning in the blue of his eyes.

"He's her betrothed."

The memory of those very words felt like being doused in ice cold water. And no matter how much it hurt Eclaire, she wouldn't fantasize about a man promised to another. No matter how much her heart ached for him, no matter how much she liked him, Eclaire would not be the 'other woman'.

"At the Ministry, I already told you." Eclaire said softly, still staring into his eyes. Is this what sinning feels like? She thought. Staring at something so enticing, knowing it belonged to someone else yet being unable to stop.

"Has the Ministry shifted their headquarters to a damn farm?" Draco asked looked at her mud coated clothing.

"Well, not quite..." Eclaire said refusing to meet his gaze. "I volunteered to go on a mission after the meeting was over."

"Why would you—" Recognition dawned on the silver haired wizard as his gaze hardened. Was being in his vicinity that repulsive to Eclaire?

He straightened his shoulders and Eclaire felt the temperature in the room drop as a sudden chill fell around the Malfoy Manor.

"Fifteen minutes." She heard the silver haired wizard grit out. "I want you in my office in fifteen minutes, clean and with a new set of clothes or God so help me I will drag your ass in there. We need to talk." He snapped and apparated.

Eclaire gulped.


Eclaire stood Draco's office door hesitantly fearing what the silver haired wizard wanted to talk about.

Okay maybe she had been avoiding the silver haired wizard but it was for his own good! She'd saved him from from being unfaithful to his betrothed! Maybe she'd gone a tiny bit overboard today by taking up a mission voluntarily amidst an approaching storm but in her defense the weather hadn't been that bad when she left the headquarters...

The sky grumbled with lightning as if to prove her wrong. She glared at it through the window.

In all honesty, the short haired witch had tried to come back home as late as possible, to delay it as much as she could but as she glanced at the paper she clutched in her hands, she knew she couldn't delay it any further.

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