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Eclaire stirred awake from her slumber as she tried to recall who she was.

I was sick. She thought noticing the pounding headache and her runny nose were no longer present. Draco. Her fuzzy mind remembered. He brought me food. And medicinal draught! Did he put me to sleep? She tried to recall the events when suddenly a memory hit her.

He carried me on his back! Her sleepy eyes widened in realization as she felt her face heating up, all remnants of sleep long gone. She bolted up pulling the covers down to reveal her old worn out tshirt and a pair of short shorts that she had bought on sale three years ago.

She groaned. Did he see me like this? She thought sourly before she reprimanded herself. No. I was sick. It doesn't matter if he saw me like this! Why should I care? She thought but then she remembered that she did. She did care.

Eclaire groaned aloud.

"Midget? Is everything okay?" Draco asked knocking on her bedroom door.

Eclaire felt her soul leaving her body. He was still here? She thought surprised. She thought he'd have left after giving her the draught and food.

J. Pippin's Potions. No wonder they're that expensive, they work wonders. She thought feeling better than she did before she caught the cold.

"Eclaire?" Draco asked again when there wasn't any response. Did the midget die? He thought.

"Yes! Yes I'm okay!" She said scurrying off her bed and putting on her house slippers as she opened the door after patting her hair down.

Draco Malfoy stood in all his tall glory, his long blonde hair in a messy ponytail, still wearing the same clothes, only this time, his sleeves were rolled up. Eclaire gulped, her eyes zeroing in on the veins that popped on his arm.

When she was done looking, her eyes found Draco's to see him looking at her with an amused expression.

Oops. Busted. She thought smiling sheepishly at him as if she hadn't just ogled him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

Eclaire nodded, her short hair bobbing along with her soft brown eyes wide in excitement. Draco couldn't help but think she looked cute.

"My headache is completely gone and my head feels so much lighter and my eyes aren't watery anymore and oh! My nose is clear too! You can't imagine how much we take breathing for granted! I only realised that after my nose was blocked and it was so difficult to breathe-" Eclaire stopped when she felt a hand on her head. Draco's hand. On her head. He smiled at her as he ruffled her hair.

He smiled-Should I repeat that? S-m-i-l-e-d! She thought flabbergasted, her mouth hung open. Albeit, it was more of a small lift of his mouth and not a full blown smile, but it was the most Eclaire had ever gotten out of him.

"Breakfast's ready." He declared slowly withdrawing his hand and walking down the stairs.

Eclaire brushed her teeth in a daze when suddenly a realization hit her.

Breakfast? She thought. Draco had just brought me lunch before I fell asleep. Surely I couldn't have slept through the entire day!

She hurried into the kitchen almost breaking into a run and ended up looking like a squirrel searching for her lost acorn. Draco looked at her hurrying form only to shake his head.

"I need to talk to you!" She said catching her breath with one of her hands on her hips.

Draco looked up at her from plating the food to indicate he was listening.

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