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Eclaire clutched her satchel as she walked through the crowded Ministry entrance. People bustled about, not caring about their surroundings, each worker speed-walking with a destination in mind as the portals lighted green every so often signifying the entry of yet another worker.

A regular day at the Ministry. She thought to herself as she walked into the lift leading to her particular department— Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

It was the final meeting before Christmas break regarding the break-in at the Ministry. A follow-up of sorts by the aurors and auror-in-trainings about the suspects that they've been assigned to. She thought back to her own assigned suspect.

Silver hair tied in a ponytail, sleeves rolled back, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he mixed an obnoxiously pink bowl of cupcake batter.

Eclaire shook her head. The Draco that I know would never associate himself with anything sinister. She thought to herself. Not anymore.


Eclaire snapped out of her train of thoughts on hearing her name being called to see the lift door open in front of her. She quickly stepped out smiling at the bright-eyed male in front of her.

"Yuko! I didn't know you would be here!"

The black-haired wizard ruffled her hair as he smiled at her. "The break-in caused quite a ruckus at MACUSA as well since it was the death-eaters' files that were stolen. There's actually representatives from Asian Ministries as well." The head-auror of MACUSA spoke softly as the duo made their way to the meeting room.

Yuko Kobayashi had been one of her closest friends at Hogwarts despite being two years above her. The Gryffindor boy had taken one look at the tear-stricken face of the first year and taken her under his wing. It had broken Eclaire's heart when he had to move to Ilvermorny in seventh year owing to his mother's transfer. Eclaire was glad that the distance hadn't altered their friendship in the slightest.

Eclaire's eyes widened. "There's foreign representatives here?"

Yuko nodded. "Nobody wants a repeat of what happened the last time the British Ministry was slack."

"But Harry wouldn't be slack, I know him! He's one of the most paranoid people I've come across." Eclaire giggled. "Besides, the Ministry is much better than it was during the last war! The administration's mostly handled by the war heroes themselves—they've already brought in multiple reforms to heighten security!"

Yuko laughed at the short haired witch's enthusiasm as he pushed the door open to the meeting room. "You think too greatly of everyone, Vanilla." He said ruffling her hair, to which he received a, "Hey!" From Eclaire.

He laughed in response waving as he made his way to where the representatives of MACUSA were sat.

Eclaire huffed as she too, made her way over to the area designated for auror-in-trainings. The meeting room was fairly big, accomodating nearly two hundred wizards and witches in attendance.

The short haired witch looked around at the familiar faces. She recognised Harry sitting in the centre at an elevated platform, Hermione and her husband to his right just below Harry's platform. She glared at Ron.

"Gentlemen and ladies alike," Harry began as all the voice quieted down till it was only Harry's voice that was heard. "I would like to welcome all the foreign representatives present and assure you that our Ministry takes this invasion and piracy of confidential files very seriously and is doing the utmost and we shall not rest till the guilty has been captured." Harry said looking at all the officials from different nations.

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