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On the first day back to Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy had certainly not expected to be awoken by a goddamed shriek at four in the morning.

What has the midget done now before the crack of dawn? He grumbled to himself, pulling off his covers and moving over to look through his window when he saw a line of smoke. Smoke. Emitting out of the small one storey house right outside the boundary of his manor.

"Merlin help me—" He muttered under his breath grabbing his wand from his bedside table and apparating outside Eclaire's scorching residence provided by the ministry for spying purposes.

The moment he opened the door to her house, he was assaulted with the overwhelming smell of black smoke making him cough out.

"Eclaire?! What on Merlin's name did you do?!" He shouted amidst the smoke. He heard small footsteps running towards him as Eclaire appeared out of the smoke looking a sight. Her face was covered with black soot, hair frizzy, wearing pink pygmy puff pajamas, barefoot and clutching a pan filled with water.

"Draco! What a lovely surprise!" She exclaimed looking between him and the scorching mess. "Now may not be the best time—"

"I can see." The silver haired wizard glared at her as she shifted under his gaze. He swiftly moved his wand muttering an incantation. "Aguamenti." The fire immediately died down on contact with water and all that was left was a room full of moistened black ash. The entire room looked a sight.

He swiftly turned back to find the short haired witch trying to tiptoe past him.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked sternly making her halt abruptly spilling the water in the pan that she held.

Oops. Busted. Eclaire thought as she sheepishly turned around to face the silver haired wizard. His face set in a glare as his blue eyes held enough ice to freeze the arctic once over, his hair tousled as if he'd just gotten out of bed, which he probably did considering the sun is yet to come out, she thought to herself.

Eclaire had the sudden urge to run her hands through his hair.

She cleared her throat putting the pan down on the floor with a clang. "You see it was all a tiny mistake."

Draco raised one of his eyebrows as if to say 'really?'.

"Okay maybe things might have gotten a teensy bit out of hand," Eclaire said making a motion to pinch her index finger and thumb together, "but I was going to handle it!" She said clapping her hands looking at him confidently.

"With a cooking pan?" He asked not believing her.

"Well, I couldn't find a bucket and it was the closest thing." Eclaire said trailing off looking anywhere but him.

"You're a fucking witch, Eclaire! You could have used your wand!" He exclaimed at her.

"Well that's the thing you see.." She said smiling guiltily at him. "My wand was the one that started the fire."

Draco inhaled a deep breath as he felt an incoming headache.

"How the bloody hell—"

"It was cold okay!" Eclaire exclaimed before the taller wizard could finish. "And the fire in the fireplace was about to go out so I took out the firewood and was throwing it in one by one but I also had my wand in the other hand and I threw my wand in instead of the wood that was in my other hand and by the time I realised what I did, it was half charred but I tried to get it out I swear! And so I put my hand in the fire to get it out—"

"You did what?!" The silver haired wizard exclaimed looking down at her hands to see if they were fine.

"Yes, I understand it wasn't my brightest moment but my hands are fine now." Eclaire said proudly showing Draco her hands.

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