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Eclaire Adams was awoken from her slumber by the constant beeping of her alarm clock. She wanted to slam the clock onto the wall but she couldn't afford a new one, so she reluctantly got up and shut it.

The clock read 5.30 AM.

A shower later, the dark haired witch stood in front of the mirror. Her shoulder length damp hair had been left as it was, making it look darker than it actually was, her brown eyes coated with mascara and her lips tinted with a lip balm as freckles were sprayed across her button nose.

Her short stature was clad in three-quarter jeans and a baby blue T-shirt. The same color as his eyes. She thought. Eclaire had come across a lot of beautiful men, but she had never seen eyes as beautiful as his. Nor had she seen anyone with white hair either. Draco Malfoy in all his sneering glory was a beautiful piece of human specimen, that even a blind person couldn't deny.

She shrugged and picked up her backpack, heading to work. She had a morning shift at Madam Puddifoot's instead of her usual evening one because Mira had asked her to switch for the day. Mirajane was her twenty-six year old co-worker with a mouth as vile as it could go but Eclaire liked her.

But then again, there weren't a lot of people Eclaire didn't like.

Eclaire made her way down the stairs, took out one of her to-go sandwiches from the freezer and put it in her backpack.

Taking a handful of floo powder in her hand, she made her way into her fire place.

"Madam Puddifoot's!" She shouted. She felt the familiar feeling of warping and green flames engulfing her as she landed unceremoniously in a squat position, coughing up dust.

"Claire? Is that you?" Madam Puddifoot's voice filled her ears.

"Yes Madam Puddifoot!" She cried out, coughing up the remainder of the dust. "It's me!" She said getting up and getting out of the fireplace and walking out.

"Good morning!" Eclaire chirped with a bright smile, once she had put her belongings in her locker and donned her apron.

"Good morning, honey!" Eclaire was met with the warm smile of Agatha Puddifoot. "Did you eat yet?" The older witch asked as usual.

"Not yet, Madam Puddifoot. But I've brought my breakfast!" Eclaire said.

"Oh! Don't tell me it's that godforsaken frozen sandwich again." Madam Puddifoot pretended to glare at the dark haired witch. Eclaire smiled sheepishly.

"For Merlin's sake, Claire! That frozen rubbish has got no nutrients! No wonder you're getting skinnier! Go grab a croissant to eat before you start your shift." Madam Puddifoot said as Eclaire nodded and entered the kitchen.

"Where's Mira?" Grace, another co-worker asked on seeing her.

"Oh! She had a late night yesterday, I'm switching shifts with her." Eclaire said getting a tray of freshly baked cakes and croissants and placing it out for display.

"Must've been a really late night." Joshua snickered.

Eclaire didn't like the tone of his voice.

"Are you judging my friend?" Eclaire said placing her hands on her hips to look intimidating, but really she just looked like a teacup.

Eclaire knew Mira could be a little wild but Mira was her friend and Eclaire wasn't going to stand snide remarks directed to her.

"Cut it out J." Grace said, her blue eyes glaring at him.

"What? I can't even joke now?" Joshua said more to himself than his girlfriend. Grace shook her head and smiled at Eclaire who nodded and picked up another tray.

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