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Draco walked swiftly towards his chambers after his last class of the day. The corridors still remained as he remembered them to be during his time as a student—vast and neverending with secrets as old as time.

Flashes of the war still passed his mind as he walked down the familiar hallways, blasts, explosions and jets of green embedded in his memories as fresh as ever.

He could still see himself running through the corridors, wandless and scared as he came upon the bodies of his classmates— their eyes lifeless and unseeing.

He tried to shake his dark thoughts away with a sip of coffee that he got from the Three Broomsticks.

It had been a week since his last encounter with the midget. He still didn't know her name despite her knowing his.

He would see her sometimes, feeding stray cats on the streets of Hogsmeade and buying cheap ready-to-eat meals after her shift that she would place in her mouth as she ran to her next destination in a hurry. Draco still didn't understand why she couldn't just apparate.

He shrugged. It was none of his business anyway.

"Professor Malfoy?" Draco heard someone call him. He swivelled around to come face to face with Minerva McGonagall.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I would like to have a word with you in my office, if this is a good time?" She said. Draco nodded and followed her.

Am I getting fired this early into the year? He thought as his black shoes clicked on the floor, his books still clutched in his hand. As far as he knew, he had done a pretty decent job at teaching.

Minerva entered her office and gestured for Draco to follow her, which he did, closing the door with a gentle push.

The older witch swished her wand quickly placing a silencing charm on the door as she gestured for the silver haired wizard to sit.

"Professor Malfoy, you have performed commendably as a teacher despite it being your first time," She said, her catlike eyes shining through her glasses. "But I am afraid it is a matter that I do not have control over." She said apologetically.

So I am getting fired? He thought confused.

"I'm afraid I don't follow what you're implying here, Professor. I would like you to lay it out upfront. Am I getting fired?" He clipped crossing his leg over the other.

"Oh no Professor Malfoy, you are not getting fired." Minerva said shaking her head. She clasped her hands before she began again, "Very well, I shall not stall in telling you. There has been a break-in at the Ministry. Certain files have been stolen," Minerva stole a glance at Draco as if gauging his reaction before she began again,"Files containing information on death-eaters."

Oh so that's why he was summoned.

"And the Ministry suspects my involvement?" Draco asked, his mood souring instantly.

"I am afraid so. I tried to talk them out of it but it's Ministry protocol, Draco." The older witch said looking apologetic.

"It's been ten years since the war and they still don't trust me?" Draco huffed out.

"People lost their near and dear ones, Draco, families, friends and spouses. It's only fair that the Ministry is extremely cautious this time around. And besides, they're doing it to everyone who was involved with the Dark Arts during Voldemort's reign." Minerva finished.

And I lost my mother, my childhood, my youth, my family's standing in society and even though I chose to seek help, chose the 'right' side in the end what was I given? Ostracised everywhere I go with my mother dead and my father sent to Azkaban for something I didn't have a choice in. Draco wanted to voice his thoughts but he didn't.

"Doing what?" Draco asked simply.

"An auror will be assigned to you to accompany you throughout the day till the Ministry gets to the bottom of the break-in." Minerva said, her lips in a tight line.

"So I will be assigned a babysitter?" Draco spat out, one of his nerves ticking. It was a mistake coming back here thinking it would change anything. He thought.

"You must know Draco that I did everything I could to change their minds. I know you gave up that lifestyle many moons ago but the Ministry was adamant. There was nothing I could do." Minerva said looking truly apologetic. Draco felt bad taking his anger out on her.

"I understand, Professor." Draco said grimly. It didn't matter whether I agree or not, they're gonna send one of their cronies anyway. He thought. "When will the auror arrive?"

"Oh they should actually be here already. Must've gotten caught up in some wor—" Minerva was cut off as they heard the door opening following by a breathless voice.

"I'm sorry for being late! There was a Niffler on the street that was wounded but I'm scared of Nifflers so I couldn't help it but I couldn't leave it on the street either so I had to call the Centre for Treatment of Magical Creatures. In the meantime while I waited for them, the Niffler took all of my money and tried to make a run for it but because it was wounded, I caught up to it but I didn't have the heart to take the money back from it so I let it be. It warmed up to me after that and the employee took forever to reach us. Apparently they were short on staff! Oh— May I come in?" Brown eyes stared ahead in front of her as she took in the two people staring at her.

"Oh please do. Have a seat Ms. Adams." The older witch gestured the newcomer to the empty seat in front of her.

"Draco! What a lovely surprise!" Eclaire said smiling brightly at him as Draco muttered a 'Barely' under his breath.

Draco looked at Minerva with disbelief in his eyes.

"She's an auror?" Draco couldn't fathom how a woman as clumsy as the one in front of him was supposed to keep an eye on an ex-deatheater. She can't even keep an eye on herself! He thought.

"Auror-in-training actually!" She said sitting down next to him and beaming up at him, her brown eyes twinkling. "Professor McGonagall put in a good word for you so the Ministry deems you to be a low threat and hence why they assigned me! But honestly, the truth is that the ministry is quite short-staffed on Aurors at the moment so they had to call in the help of auror trainees to spy on the low threat death-eathers." She shrugged to look at the silver haired man, her brown eyes gazing into his steely ones.

"That would be all, Miss Adams." The older witch said fixating her gaze on the rambling short haired woman who looked at her sheepishly.

"Miss Adams will be accompanying you for the rest of the school year till the Ministry deems the problem at hand to be under control. A place near the Malfoy Manor has been arranged for her to stay in during the holidays." Minerva said looking at Draco who nodded absentmindedly.

As long as she doesn't bother me, it should be fine. He thought.

"Is that all?" Draco asked, his grey eyes unfeeling and cold.

"Yes." The older witch nodded. Draco nodded at her and got up to leave. The short haired witch got up en suite.

"Eclaire, do you mind getting the door on your way out?" Minerva called out.

"Sure thing!"

"Her name's Eclaire?!"


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