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"Have I done something wrong?" The short-haired witch asked looking up at the two wizards who stood as still as statues with their hands crossed, brows furrowed and mouths set in a hard line. They had spent the better half of the past half hour glaring at her and Eclaire hadn't a clue why.

The trio were currently at the Malfoy Manor after having taken leave from the crime scene. Eclaire pulled her legs up to sit criss cross on the sofa as her gaze moved from one face to the other, both equally stoic.

"Oh, so now you want to talk?" Yuko glared at her.

"I always want to talk." Eclaire shrugged looking at him sceptically. "Why do I feel that both of you are angry?" She said as she shivered under Draco's icy gaze.

"Oh, I don't know maybe it was the fact that you disappeared without telling any of us where it is that you were headed with a murderer who targets muggleborns on the loose!?" Yuko said losing his cool.

"I told you—" Eclaire started only to be cut off.

"You told me to cover your shifts and disappeared!" Yuko exclaimed.

"I told Draco—"

"You told me you'd find the murderer even if it was the last thing you bloody did! Then we cannot reach you for two days and receive a call that they've found a body that matched your description!" Draco said finally exploding. "Do you have any fucking idea what we went through— what I went through in that span of time?! As I waited for them to lift the sheets off of a dead body praying to anything and everything out there, hoping against all odds that it wasn't you?!"

Eclaire looked up at the silver haired wizard from under her eyes. His silver hair looked as if he'd run his hands through them a million times, his grey eyes blazing with emotion and face set in angry harsh lines. Eclaire did the only thing that there was to do. She leapt into his arms engulfing him in a hug conveying all her feelings.

"I'm sorry. With Yuko in the US, I've never had anyone wait on me since Grandma died. I never meant to upset you." She said slowly and meant it. She heard the wizard grunt as she looked up at him from the hug.

"And you too, Yuko. I'm sorry. I should've explained things before I left." She said looking at Yuko.

"You should never have left alone in the first place, you idiot." Draco huffed as he leaned into the hug, cherishing how she felt in his arms. His heart at peace, knowing she was safe.

"Where did you even go?" Yuko huffed out.

Eclaire sprang away from Draco as she clapped her hands. "I'm glad you asked!" She said gleaming.

"Remember when my house was trashed?" She asked looking at the two wizards. They both nodded mechanically. "And you know how I occasionally forget to vacuum the house—"

"Occasionally? Midget, you rarely ever vacuum your house. It's always a mess." Draco huffed as he leaned back on the wall.

"I beg to differ—"

"We both know that it's the truth, Vanilla." Yuko muttered.

Eclaire glared at the both of them. Both of them thought she looked like an angry squirrel about to hurl an acorn at them.

"Shush. So yes, I had yet to vacuum the house but the other day, I noticed something." She said as she pulled out her phone and showed them a zoomed in image.

"Are those—" Yuko started.

"Wheelchair prints." Eclaire said. "They were very subtle but present nonetheless. I can't believe I didn't notice them sooner!" Eclaire said pacing around.

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