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"Draco, I love you."

"I will always love you, my child."

Narcissa Malfoy's comforting voice whispered. Her dark eyes crinkling as she smiled, her hands reaching out to touch Draco's cheek, her black hair pinned to perfection, lips painted red smiling. And suddenly, she wasn't.

Her smile faded, the red lipstick smeared, her hair in a disarray, her outreached hand falling limp.

"Avada Kedavra."

Blinding flashes of green.

Cries of anguish.

"Draco..." He could hear his father's voice stand out between the cries, deafening almost.

"You did this." Lucius Malfoy said, furiously pointing to something.

Draco watched him point to a body on the ground. He ran to the familiar set of black and silver hair that he saw peeking out.

"Mother!" He cried out but she wouldn't listen. Wouldn't open her eyes. Wouldn't tell him she loved him. Her hand was ice cold as Draco picked it up.

"You did this!" His father bellowed.

"I didn't want to— I never—" Draco tried to get the words out but his mouth wouldn't move.

"She lied for you! If she hadn't she would be alive! You got her killed!"

Draco wanted to shout at him to stop but his voice just got louder and louder to the point it was deafening and all he could hear was him. Then suddenly it was silent.

"It's okay, Draco." He heard as he turned to look at his side.

"Midget?" He asked, relieved to see her.

"Who else would it be, dummy?" She giggled as she ran into his arms.

"I'm glad you're here." Draco sighed into the embrace as he felt her running her hands in circles in a soothing action.

"I know. It's going to be okay, Draco. I'm here for you. I love you."

But her hands suddenly fell limp.

"Eclaire?" Draco called but she didn't respond.

He pushed her body to only see it fall limp, her eyes closed.

"Midget?" He asked shaking her. "Eclaire!" He called, getting desperate when he felt a warm liquid on his hands. He looked down to see it tainted red.


Where did it come from?

He looked down to see Eclaire's tshirt stained the same color.


Not her.

Please not her.

"You got her killed just like your mother." Ronald Weasley's voice flooded in.

No! He wanted to shout but his voice wouldn't come out.

"You got them all killed!" He shouted as he pointed behind him.

Bodies and bodies piled where Ron pointed towards. Draco could recognise Eclaire among them the first. His mother came next, Dumbledore and his classmates followed. The bodies kept growing in number.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"You got her killed!"

"You got them killed!"

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