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"Eclaire dear, are you alright?" Asked Mrs Martha.

Eclaire nodded eagerly. "Yes! Yes I am! I am alright!" She said out of breath. "Why ever would you think that I am not?"

"You practically ran inside like the devil was on your trail and have been sitting there with your face flushed for the past three hours, do pardon me if I think something's wrong." Mrs Martha said sceptically.

"Nope. Everything's fine! I just need-" A certain blue eyed wizard's lips on mine, "-time! I need umm-some time to gather my thoughts, yes! That's it!" Eclaire told Mrs Martha who nodded reluctantly and resumed her cooking.

"You might want to start getting ready if you want to make it to the wedding in time!" Mrs Martha said as Eclaire's dread set in again.

Okay so you kissed him. And he kissed you back. Big deal. Does that mean he likes me? Eclaire shook her head.

No, I mustn't get ahead of myself. It was just a kiss. We're both adults. And I've kissed a lot of people before! Eclaire told herself. She nodded, satisfied with herself.

3 people is considered a lot, isn't it? She thought again, perplexed.

Mrs Martha finally shooed her out of her kitchen to start getting ready for the wedding and sent a maid with her to get her ready in her room.


Draco Malfoy looked at himself in the mirror, his hair tied into a man bun at his nape, clad in a navy blue suit that Eclaire had insisted on when she'd heard he was about to wear black to the wedding.

"It's terribly inauspicious to wear black to a wedding! It's the color associated with mourning!" She had told him.

He fixed his black bow-tie. He didn't feel comfortable without atleast a single piece of black fabric. His gaze then fell on the blue box containing the watch that Eclaire had given him.

It's really annoying how that woman's invaded my thoughts and I can't go a single sentence without the mention of her name. He thought opening the drawer of his collection of wristwatches. Different shades and colors of metals and dials glinted back up at him, some embedded with precious stones and metals.

He thought back to the look on her face when she'd given him the gift smiling with her eyes crinkled; the look on her face as she gasped for breath, her lips swollen and eyes dazed.

He slammed the drawer shut.

He picked the god-damned black watch out of the box on the table and put it on.

Merlin help me.


Eclaire looked at herself in the mirror, the maid had tied her short hair into a milkmaid braid with a few tendrils framing her face. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow making her usually dull eyes pop. Her freckles had been covered by the foundation that had been lathered on her skin making her face look smooth and flawless.

The dress sat as beautiful as ever on her skin and the shoes made her taller than her usual five foot zero inches frame.

So I can be pretty if I'm rich. She thought admiring how the expensive fabric and shoes made her look. She shrugged. Too bad I'm not.

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