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Yuko Kobayashi was annoyed beyond belief. He huffed as he put on a fake smile for the older woman who shook his hand and thanked him for finding out who was the one killing her cattle. Turns out it was a bloody snake.

Eclaire's had it for herself when I see her again. Making a head auror go down on his knees in mud trying to find a bloody snake! A snake! He thought to himself as he checked his phone again. No calls from her. Where on earth is she?!

He dialled her number again.

"Hi! This is Eclaire! I'm busy at the moment, well not while I'm recording this ofcourse but if you're calling and hearing this then chances are that I am busy! Or stuck somewhere, preferably the former—oh! And I'm running out of time so just say something after the bee—" Yuko heard a long beep. He cursed under his breath as he ended the call.

With a final look at his phone, he disapparated to Eclaire's house. His dear friend owed him some answers and he wasn't leaving without them.

Yuko landed in a dark alley and walked to her house. His hand reached for the bell when the door to her house burst open. Only, it wasn't the short haired witch that stared back, it was her silver haired lover.

"What are you doing here?" Draco grumbled out with a glare.

"I could ask you the same thing." Yuko glared back.

"I was looking for Eclaire." Both the wizards blurted out at the same time.

"What do you mean you're looking for her?!" Both shouted again at the same time.

"Some bloody boyfriend you are when you don't even know where she is!" Yuko exclaimed as Draco glared at him.

"I thought she was at work this whole time you dimwit!" Draco exclaimed back.

"Not freaking likely when I've been knees deep in mud covering her shifts for her for two days straight!" Yuko said frustrated.

"She hasn't been to work for two days?" Draco asked confused.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Fuck off. You didn't know where she was either." Draco said. The duo locked eyes, icy blue clashing with deep brown, the temperature around them dropping. The stare off continued for a few more moments before both the wizards sighed.

"Have you tried calling her number?" Yuko asked.

"Her what?" Draco looked at him sceptically.

"Number. Her phone number." Yuko repeated as he showed Draco his phone.

"Do I look like I know how to operate muggle technology?" Draco deadpanned.

"Merlin." Yuko sighed.

"She left Wednesday afternoon right after your call. She was pretty determined about finding the culprit so I thought she was busy at work. " Draco said. "She'd done this before for another case so I didn't think much of her not reaching out, but it didn't sit right with me with a murderer on the loose so I came to see her but—"

"She wasn't here. And she hasn't been at work either. She was there at the crime scene with me, then we went to the Ministry where she talked to Astoria and left after telling me to cover her shifts for her. I thought she was with you." Yuko said as both the wizards took each other's words in.

"Fuck." Draco muttered under his breath.

"Did you check with Madam Puddifoot's?" Yuko asked hurriedly.

"Yes." Draco said, now panic setting in both the wizards' minds. "Yes, I went there first to get her a drink—she hasn't been there in over a week."

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