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Eclaire hadn't meant to get stuck in a tree, really, she hadn't. She glanced at the ground which hadn't seemed that much of a distance when she'd been climbing the tree but now seemed to be over a ten foot fall.

How did she get in this predicament you ask? She'd been blissfully asleep in the arms of a certain silver haired wizard that she'd grown to love— yes, love.

Eclaire knew for certain that she couldn't have loved a man more than she did Draco. There was something endearing in the way his hands tended to her injuries as his mouth spewed profanities, brows set in anger yet worry coating his eyes. In the way he'd regard everything with disdain until his eyes befell on her. How he claimed to hate physical touch yet would say nothing when she laced her fingers through his, only responding by tightening his hold. How he claimed to be heartless and evil yet when he held her, she swore she found his touch nothing short of an angel.

And the past two weeks had been nothing short of heaven for Eclaire. Falling asleep in his arms and waking up to see his brilliantly blue eyes gazing upon her with adoration was something Eclaire didn't think she'd ever grow tired of.

So why was she hanging off the branch of a tree instead of being in bed with her lover you ask? Well I wouldn't call us lovers exactly. She thought to herself.

But we've been doing everything lovers do. Her conscience argued.

Yet, there has been no declaration of love! Eclaire argued back.

Sometimes it really isn't necessary. Actions speak louder than words.

But it would be awfully rude to just presume—

"Eclaire?" She heard Draco's voice call out to her as he arose from bed, confused to not find her in it.

"Here!" He heard her exclaim as he followed her voice over to the window.

"What the devil are you doing on a tree?!" Eclaire blushed on seeing he hadn't bothered to dress up.

"Well you see I heard a bird crying out..."


Draco stood grumpily at platform 9¾ as he glared at the damned red train blowing off steam incessantly signifying that it would leave in mere moments. He turned to glare at the woman who occupied more than half the thoughts that passed through his mind.

"Do I really have to get on the bloody train?" He grumbled out.

"We went over this already, Draco." Eclaire said as she smiled at him. "You're a—"

"A professor, yes, I do know. I've been reminded of it a dozen times already." He huffed out.

"Which is why you must take the train with the students." Eclaire voiced out as she reasoned with him. If anything, she found his annoyance quite amusing.

"I don't see why I can't just apparate there after I've spent a few hours with you." He grumbled out.

"Because it wouldn't be—"

"Right. Yes, I've heard that about a dozen times too." Draco rolled his eyes as Eclaire playfully slapped his shoulder.

"You're a teacher and the rules specifically mention that you must take the train to reach Hogwarts barring special circumstances." Eclaire said.

"I'm sure you would suffice as a special circumstance." Draco grinned as he leaned forward.

"You're insufferable." Eclaire whispered, her face painted with a blush but did nothing to stop the silver haired wizard as his lips claimed hers in a slow, tantalising manner. Eclaire's hand rested on the black material of his blazer that covered his chest as his came to rest atop hers, engulfing it.

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