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With December came the first onset of snow, falling as soft as feathers from the skies above only to land gracefully in a heap, each flake just as beautiful as the other, yet unique in its own way.

All the streets of Diagon Alley were covered in the same shade of white and overflowing with the holiday spirit as witches and wizards of all ages bumbled about.

Draco Malfoy huffed out in annoyance as he walked out of Twilfitt and Tattings. Whispering out words such as 'too damn crowded' and 'too damn cold' every so often. He wouldn't have been out on a snowy December morning had it not been in pursuit of getting a new attire for his friend's wedding.

Blaise Zabini, playboy extraordinaire, hitched. Draco couldn't believe his eyes when he'd received his invitation to his marriage, much less to Angelina Johnson of all people. The last he'd talked to Blaise, the bloke hated her guts and the feelings were fully reciprocated by Johnson.

But then again, it had been a while since he had talked to Blaise, or any of his friends for that matter. Not since his mother's passing. Draco was surprised he even received an invitation after he had cut off all connection with everyone, quite rudely might he add.

He huffed out leaving a trail of white smoke when he heard the chattering of teeth. He located the sound when he saw a short stature he'd recognize anywhere. His icy blue eyes zeroed in on his short haired witch, her usual bounce while walking missing. It was then that his eyes widened as he noticed she was only wearing a full sleeved t-shirt and leggings. Was this woman insane? He thought to himself.

"Claire!" He called out as her head shot up and looked around trying to pinpoint who called her when her brown eyes landed on Draco.

He walked over to her in quick, long strides, his face laced with annoyance a big contrast to Eclaire's that was laced with her bright smile.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? It's snowing for Merlin's sake!" Draco said haughtily pointing towards her outfit. She looked down and back up at him sheepishly.

"It wasn't cold when I left the house." She whispered feeling small all of a sudden under his intense gaze.

"Eclaire." He said. Oh cookies! He's using my actual name! I'm not getting out of this one, am I? She thought defeated.

"I gave my jacket to a homeless person I saw on the street— no don't look at me like that," she said in a small voice looking up at him from under her lashes trying to neutralize his glare. "He really looked like he was about to freeze and he lives on the streets, it must get really cold out there at nights and it was an old jacket and it's really not that cold today—"

"It's minus five degrees outside." Draco said folding his arms.

"Well I can handle the cold really well—" She started only to be cut off again.

"I could hear your teeth chattering from a mile away and your nose is about to turn purple." He said quirking his eyebrow.

Busted. Eclaire thought.

"I—" Eclaire stopped when she felt something soft and warm land on her shoulders encompassing her being in warmth, much, much needed warmth. She all but melted. She looked up at Draco to see him clad in one less layer of clothing than when he first arrived.

"You don't need to—" Eclaire started off. It was her decision to give her jacket away, he shouldn't have to sacrifice his warmth because of her decision.

"Shut up and take it before you freeze to death." Draco huffed out. Why is she so reckless? He thought to himself.

"Thank you!" She gleamed at him happily putting her hands into the pockets immediately. The coat stopped just a few inches above her ankle and almost drowned her but Eclaire didn't mind. Not when she was surrounded by the intoxicating scent of Chocolate and Spice. She almost felt like a creep for taking in a deep whiff to get more of the scent. Almost.

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