The Mandalorian

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A/n: I know you guys wouldn't wait for me to make a Mandalorian scene here, so here it is. Just to let you guys know, I haven't seen the Mandalorian show before, but I will see it soon.

Right now, I just wanted to get this out off my head right now. I just couldn't wait for this scene to come true. I just want to see Mandalorian in action fighting the Grimm. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think.

And I also want to say, that this is not part of RWBY Volume 8. This is just for you guys seeing the Mandalorian in action. And I also do not owned the show. The show was made by Lucasfilms, and RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth. So that's all I have to say. I hope you guys enjoy this amazing chapter with the Mandalorian and let me know what you guys think of this, enjoy.

The Mandalorian's POV

I was up on the this floating city that was crawling with these some of creatures trying to hurt the civilians around here. I have no idea what's going on, but I'm assuming this is bad news for these folks. I should go help them out, for what it's worth, I don't like seeing people dying.

I heard screaming coming from my right. So I decided to go check it out. I ran to the sound and I saw a woman protecting her son who was scared from these creatures that are surrounding them. I guess I should do what I always do, help them out.

I whistled loudly at the creatures to get their attention. They heard my whistle and turned to me to see that I'm just standing here looking at them. They all started to come to me and surround me in a circle. This should be interesting. I carefully reached for my blaster to get ready to draw it out from my holster. I waited for one of them to come attack me, and one of them did. Big mistake, big one.

I quickly draw my blaster and started to open fire on the one that's coming at me and shot it in the head instantly killing it. I shot more of these things to try and save the mother and her child from these things and get them to safety. But then more of those things came running up to me. That does it.

I put away my blaster side-arm in my holster and I equipped my Amban phase-pulse rifle and shot one of those things with it. One more thing left. It came at me trying to bite me, but I used the bayonet on the rifle in it's mouth and shot it inside of it killing it instantly while it faded away into a black mist.

That's all of them. I put my rifle on my back and went over to the mother and child to see if they're okay. They went to me to come thank me from saving them.

Mother: Thank you so much, mister. I thought we were dead for sure.

Mandalorian: Don't mention it. Now go, get to safety. And take care of that child of yours.

Mother: I will. I'm going to find my husband who is waiting for us in the subway station. Thank you again, mister for saving us.

Mandalorian: My pleasure, ma'am. Now go.

The mother and child left to get to safety to go meet up with the father. I'm going to go see if I can save more civilians in the area.

Solder: Freeze!

I heard a soldier on my left. No, there were eight soldiers surrounding me. I quickly got out my blaster on my right hand and my rifle on my left hand and aimed it at one of them. Even though I was supposed to hold it with two hands, but I can hold with one hand. I then saw the captain coming to me.

Captain: Lower your weapons.

Mandalorian: Have them lower theirs first.

Captain: That's not gonna happen. Why are you here, how did you get here, and what are you doing here?

Mandalorian: What does it look like I'm doing. I'm saving these people from those creatures.

Captain: That's our job too.

Mandalorian: Really? Cause it seems like you're not doin' a good job on that. Thousands of these people are going to die, because all of you are not doing your jobs.

Captain: Silence! We are doing what General Ironwood tells us what to do.

Mandalorian: ...Who the hell is General Ironwood?

The Captain then looked at me in a confused look, but then he turned his face back to being angry again.

Captain: Take this man in, at once!

I saw some of the soldiers walking up to me to arrest me. I'm not gonna let that happen. I put away my weapons and say something to them.

Mandalorian: Sorry, but I'm not going with you.

I said to them and got out a smoke grenade from my pouch and threw it on the ground. I the grenade then detonated and the soldiers started coughing from the smoke. Luckily for me, I can see through the smoke with my helmet on and be affected by the smoke.

I used my jetpack and started to fly away from the soldiers to get to safety for now.

(A few minutes later)

I was on top of a building looking at that massive creature that looks like a whale on the outside of the city. That thing is massive. It's even releasing more of those creatures into the city. There's no way that they can take that many with just an army they got.

I then saw ships flying in the sky shooting at those things that are flying. I bet it's those rebel alliance that are here. This gonna be one hell of a battle in this city.

I guess I need to find anymore survivors that are trying to get to safety. I got out the dark saber from my belt and looked at it. I guess it's time to finally use this thing. I activated the saber and began to fly with my jetpack back into the city. Hoping that I can help out more civilians in the area.

(To be continued)

A/n: Sorry if this was short for you guys. Because I got more ideas coming soon to this and I one to work on them.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the Mandalorian being in Remnant to save the people of Atlas from the Grimm, and we hope to find out what will happen in the next chapter of RWBY Volume 8.

I will be watching the Mandalorian if I can get the chance, because I need to get Disney plus, and it will be so awesome when I watch the two seasons of it and it will be a blast for me.

So thank you for reading this of the Mandalorian being in Remnant and I hope you enjoyed the music I put in on the top.

Thank you guys for reading this, and I will see you in February.

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