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A/n: A warning for the ones who haven't seen RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 2. This is going to be in Poe Dameron's point of view. So this is a spoiler warning. If you guys haven't see chapter 2 of Volume 8 do not read this until you have watched chapter 2 of RWBY Volume 8. If you have watched chapter 2, then you are all set. I hope you guys enjoy this second part and I will be writing chapter 3 right after we all watched RWBY Volume 8. I hope you guys enjoy.


We all got done of taking the people to the crater that was here in the slums of Mantle. Thanks to Ren using his semblance to mask everyone's emotions and Saw helping us out, we managed to head to the crater to regroup with Saw and the rest of his fighters. I hope Y/n and the rest of Ruby and the others will be okay. And I hope BB8 will be okay as well.

We all then went to Joanna when we escorted the civilians from sector 7.

Joanna: Where's this group coming in from?

Yang: That will be sector 7.

Joanna then see that Saw and the rest of his fighters were with us.

Joanna: Who are the new people with you?

Saw: Name's Saw Gerrera. Me and my companions helped out with your caravan to reach here to get the people to safety.

Joanna: So you had help with you guys.

Poe: Well, they did save us from the Grimm. They helped us out with sector 7.

Fiona: You cleared out 7 already? That's great! To be honest, I wasn't sure how you'd be doing without all of your teammates.

Fiona then mentioned Y/n and the others. Ren and Yang didn't like that. I saw Ren walking away from us when Fiona mentioned the others.

Yang: Well, as you can see we're doing just fine.

Poe: Yang, it's not Y/n and Ruby's fault that they decided to go to Atlas.

Yang: We're still doing fine.

Oscar: But where are you putting everyone?

Fiona: We're working to get most of them settled in houses or other shelters. A large portion of the community is also trying to get old mine shafts into a livable condition.

Joanna: We've got a lot of people to keep warm. Looting the SDC refineries is our best source of dust. Fortunately no one's getting arrested during the apocalypse. Just knowing those Grimm are circling out there doesn't feel great. What are they waiting for?

Me and the others were a bit silent from what Joanna said. Yang then went up to Saw to say something to him.

Yang: Saw. I just wanted to say... thank you, for helping us out there.

Saw: You're welcome, Yang. And you shouldn't thank me. You should thank Y/n for giving me the directions to find you and your team. He really did help you out. So why not give him some slack, okay?

Yang then looked down and think about Y/n. She then looked back at Saw.

Yang: Okay. I will.

Saw: Good. Now, since we all brought these people here to safety. My partisan will assist the others for the civilians here.

One of Saw's partisans came to Yang to inform her. Saw then left us to give us some time of our own to talk to them.

Mari: Yang, I'm Mari Kosan. And this is my partner, Ethan Thompson.

Ethan: Nice to meet you all.

Yang: What are you guys going to do here?

Mari: Me and Ethan will assist the Happy Huntresses with the rest of the people that you brought here. We'll be able to make it through this, but right now you all have to do your own jobs.

RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order: Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now