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Me and Ruby were sleeping peacefully in our bed for a few hours, just the two of us, but then I heard a loud explosion that made me open my eyes quickly and sit up to look out the window of the room. I heard Ruby waking up quickly to see the explosion as well. This explosion was bright and it blinded me a little. I got out of the bed quickly to see that explosion was coming from that Whale Grimm that was outside of Atlas. Who created that explosion? Was it Oscar who did that, or was it... Ozpin. I looked away from the window to see Ruby with a shocked look on her face that she saw the explosion, and I saw that BD-1 was also awake to see it as well. He had his ears pulled back of his head that he was worried about the others. I hope they got out of there alive.

Third Person View

Cinder and Watts on a rooftop in Atlas, staring at the Monstra, the one that came to a threat to the kingdom, but now it was destroyed.

Watts: Did... Did anyone respond?

Cinder: (looking down at her scroll) No.

Cinder pocketed her scroll, still looking at the destruction at the fields of Atlas.

Watts: Well, she'll come back. In the interim, we need a plan.

Cinder: (glancing at Watts) Plan? The plan hasn't changed. (walking away) I'm going to rip the maiden power out Y/n L/n be cause you are going to use Penny and bring him to me.

Watts: (turning around confused) I beg your pardon?

Cinder: (stopping in her tracks) You said in your message that you have control over Penny.

Watts: I said I had Penny "under control". Not that I could telekinetically force her to do whatever I want.

Cinder: (turning around) What?!

Watts: I implanted a virus in her, you dimwit. (Cinder clenches her fist tight) She's on a set path now. At least she should be. (turning around) As much I hate to admit it, there seems to be part of her resisting. Regardless, it's only a matter of time before her mechanical body succumbs to the virus. She'll take the boy to the vault, then she'll kill him and destroy herself (turning back to face Cinder) and our little boy problem will be--

Before he could finish, Watts was grabbed by Cinder's Grimm arm, pulling him closer to her.

Cinder: What do you mean she'll kill him and destroy herself? How am I supposed to take his power if he's dead?!

Watts: You know it's impressive you haven't realized yet, but I don't work for you.

Cinder let out an angry grunt as her eye ignited, activating her maiden power. She then extended her arm that held Watts and pushed him all the way to the edge of the rooftop.

Watts: Please. You can't just threaten me like everyone else.

Cinder: (walking to Watts) You think you're so clever, don't you, Arthur?

Watts: (struggling) Salem sent you to bring me back.

Cinder: Salem isn't here right now, but I think we can still come up with a plan while she's pulling herself together. First, I am going to watch you plummet to an unremarkable end. And then I'm going to burn a path directly into the vault where I will wait to tear that boy's heart out (holding Watts over the edge) and crush it into pieces and take what is mine.

Cinder then smiled as she was holding Watts near the edge of the roof. But then her smiled went away to have a furious look in her face while Watts started laughing, causing Cinder to stop using her maiden power and stare at the mad scientist with irritation.

RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order: Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now