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A/n: So, a friend of mine named TheDarkEmperor wanted to see his idea that he came up with a while back. So I decided to do this for him to get him all excited for what I am doing for him. I hope you guys enjoy this as well. This actually before Atlas fell, just let you all know that. So, anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this. And without further a do, let's get into it.

Third Person View

In the Atlas Vault, Ironwood regains consciousness to see Cinder walking down the steps with the Staff and the Lamp. Cinder then heard a red lightsaber igniting, while she saw someone in some type of armor, holding his lightsaber with a reverse grip, walking towards her. The person then stopped in front of Cinder, for her to speak to him.

Cinder: Who are you suppose to be?

Starkiller: Someone you never seen before. I have come here to take the Staff and the Lamp for my sister.

Cinder: Your sister?

Starkiller: You will see for yourself.

Starkiller then deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt for him to step a side. Cinder watched in confusion while her face changed into fear, when she saw black cloud of smoke sweep down the elevator shaft. It then starts to circle around her.

Cinder: I... I failed you again, master. They used the Staff to save thousands. Before our allies fell, Neopolitan... killed Ruby and the Jedi. And before the Jedi, Ruby and her teammates fell, they used the Lamp's last question.

The smoke swirls together in front of Cinder, materializing into Salem herself. Her eyes were narrow as she listens to Cinder's words.

Cinder: I couldn't stop them! I couldn't even stop the Maiden from escaping without putting the Relics in jeoparody... I'm... I'm sorry...

Cinder then kneels before Salem, presenting the Lamp and the Staff to her. After a pause, Starkiller spoke.

Starkiller: If what you said was true, you have done your best to complete your mission. (Cinder looks at Starkiller) But if you lied to her, you will suffer the consequences. Is it true, that the Maiden escaped, and the Jedi and the Silver Eyed Warrior fell with her teammates?

Cinder: Yes. It's true.

Starkiller looks at Salem, his sister.

Starkiller: What do you think, sister?

Salem looks at Starkiller with a smile on her face. She then walked to Cinder and leans down to lean down.

Salem: In pursuit of a new world... (takes the Relics from Cinder) No cost is too great. You've done well, Cinder. Our work here is done.

Salem begins to walk away, for Cinder to follow, as well as Starkiller next to Salem.

Salem: Have I introduced you to my brother, Cinder?

Cinder: N-No, master.

Starkiller: I go by the name of Starkiller. I have been searching for my sister for a long time. And now that we have finally reunited, we will take what's ours and build a new world to this planet.

Salem: Indeed we will, brother.

Starkiller, Salem and Cinder kept on walking to the exit.

Salem: (to Cinder) You said they used the Staff. I assume you rid the world of their creation. (glances back at Cinder) What did you create in its stead?

Cinder: I mererly added more flames to the fires of Atlas.

The scene changes to see Watts behind the windows in the room where he was in, trying to break the glass with a chair, screaming to get out, but he couldn't get out.

The scene changes back to Salem, Starkiller and Cinder. Ironwood then aimed his pistol at one of them, for Starkiller who turned around to use Force Choke on Ironwood. Ironwood then gasped while holding his throat, while Starkiller raised him up in the air, still choking him.

Starkiller: What about the general, sister?

Salem then looked at Ironwood that he was held by Starkiller.

Salem: Leave him. Let him go down with his kingdom.

Starkiller: As you wish.

Starkiller then lets go of Ironwood to drop him on the floor again, for him to be weak. Starkiller used the elevator to go to his ship, while Cinder turned around to glance at Ironwood smirking at him say one last word to him.

Cinder: And that's... checkmate.

Cinder activates her Maiden power and flies away with Salem. Ironwood then was defeated, when this happened.

The scene changes to Cinder and Salem flying away from Atlas, while Starkiller followed them with his ship, the Rouge Shadow, flying with them, while Atlas collapsed.

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