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Me, Yang, Ren, Jaune, Rey, Finn Merrin, and Rose were riding with us on the hover bikes chasing after that Grimm that took Oscar from us. That thing is flying somewhere with Oscar on it.

Jaune: He's going to lose us in these mountains. We can't keep up.

Poe: We have to keep up. We can't let that thing get away!

I then felt a bump on the bike that the engine was failing somehow. I looked to see an icon on the screen of the hover bike that this thing can't go on the snow.

Ren: I don't know how much longer these bikes can stand the cold.

Yang: I'm really wishing one of us could fly right now.

Poe: Easy for you to say, Yang.

Jaune: Wait. Hold on.

I turned quickly to saw Jaune has his shield equipped and he stand on the bike and went to Ren.

Jaune: Ren! I'm going to get you up there.

Ren: (to Rose) Take over!

Rose: Got it!

Ren then jumped off the bike while Rose took control over it. Ren then jumped onto Jaune's shield and used the gravity dust on it to launch Ren to the sky to use his grappling hooks on his guns to attach on the Grimm's leg.

Poe: Great plan, Jaune!

Yang: Nice!

Yang and Jaune high-fived each l other while Jaune lost control of the bike for a bit and regain control.

We all saw that Ren was still hanging from the Grimm's leg flying in the air knocking him on the rocks to get him off of it.

Yang: Okay, not as nice.

We all continued to ride through the mountains and avoid any rocks along the way.

Jaune: He's slowing him down. Hold on, Ren!

Ren on comm: I don't have much of a choice!

We kept on catching up to Ren and the Grimm as quick as we can to get Oscar back. Ren then used one of his grappling hooks to attach a rock to it to try to slow down the Grimm with the weight of the rock.

That didn't work out to well. The Grimm knocked Ren into some rocks while Yang went on to the left side of the mountain road to fire her gauntlet shotguns at the Grimm to try and slow it down, but that didn't do anything to it.

The Grimm then flew ahead of us and got Oscar in it's arms. What the hell is it doing?

We all then heard the Grimm screaming loudly for something. Why did it scream?

We all felt the ground rumbling band saw a few Centinels that they told me these types of Grimm that pop out of the ground. They were everywhere.

We all then avoided the Centinels that were coming out of the ground.

Yang on comm: Did it just call for back up?

Poe: I think it just did!

Me and the others saw one of the flying Grimm coming past us almost knocking us over.

Rose: They have wings?!

Finn: They fly now?!

Poe: They fly now!

We all then started to avoid the Centinels that were trying to attack us while Finn was shooting his blaster at the flying Grimm on the back seat where I am, while Rey was cutting the Centinels with her yellow lightsaber on her bike.

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