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The screen showed that there was Grimm surrounding Mantle and some part was on fire. These things wanted to destroy anything that stands in their way.

The screen change to show our protagonist Y/n L/n looking at Mantle and Atlas from a distance. Then he looked down to his right to see BD-1 nodding his head. Y/n then crouched down and put BD-1 on his back where BD-1 was looking over his right shoulder.

Y/n then stand up and turned around to see team RWBY and team JNR with their backs turned around for him to see the title.

RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order: Volume 8

The screen changed to show team RWBY showing their flashbacks and showed Y/n holding his Master's lightsaber to show a single green blade with both of his hands showing an image of him on the blade when he was a Padawan Learner with bits of lights surrounding him.

The screen then showed Y/n on an open area by himself looking at his hands and closing his eyes. Y/n then opened his eyes to show brown fire lighting up from his to show that he has the Winter Maiden's powers.

The screen then showed that it shows Weiss, Yang, and Blake's weapons for the screen to change again to show Ruby's weapon, her lightsaber hilt, and Y/n's lightsaber hilt floating in the air.

The screen showed Y/n sitting on the ground, looking down in sadness. But then a hand showed up in front of him. It was Cal Kestis helping Y/n up to fight with him. Y/n accepted Cal's hand and pulled him up with BD-1 with him.

The screen changed to show a rose petal floating in the air for it to land in Y/n's right hand for him to look at it. Then from behind, Ruby put her hand on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n turned around to look at her. Ruby had a smile on her face to let Y/n that she will always be there for him.

Y/n smiled back at Ruby to let her know that she has his back all the time.

The screen then showed Y/n, team RWBY, team JNR, Kieron, Merrin, Poe, Cal Kestis, and BD-1 on Y/n's back ready to fight the horde of Grimm coming their way.

The screen showed Y/n in front of all of his friends for him to get his lightsaber from his belt and activate it to show a single green blade for the others to get their weapons ready to fight alongside with Y/n.

Y/n looked at everyone and they all nodded their heads to get ready for the battle that they are about to fight.

Cal and Ruby went next Y/n and the three of them held their lightsabers with both of their hands to fight the Grimm in front of them.

Then they all charged in to fight the Grimm horde.

The screen showed that everyone was fighting the Grimm. Y/n was taking care of the Grimm on his side to strike them down with his lightsaber and then he used Split Saber to take the rest of the Grimm down and slashed the screen.

Then it showed Y/n and the rest of his friends looking at Atlas Academy and Mantle. Then the ice below them started to break.

The ice broke for all of them to fall in underwater.

The screen showed that Y/n searching for Ruby, his lover. He then looked down to see Ruby half way down in the water.

Y/n then quickly swim as fast as he could to save his lover Ruby Rose from any danger.

Y/n reached out his right hand for Ruby to grab with a sad look that Y/n has. Ruby was holding out her right hand to grab on to Y/n as well.

Y/n and Ruby almost grabbed on to their hands for the screen to show Ruby's Scythe on the ground with Y/n's lightsaber hilt that was glowing green to show the end of the intro.

Y/n and Ruby almost grabbed on to their hands for the screen to show Ruby's Scythe on the ground with Y/n's lightsaber hilt that was glowing green to show the end of the intro

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RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order: Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now