Sneak Peek

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Third Person view

We see a Jedi ship flying in space to head towards a planet that no one has ever been before. This planet is off the radar for a long time and now someone in that ship knows where to find someone on this planet.

The screen changed to see the ship landing on an open area to hear some type of flying small creatures on this planet to fly away from the ship landing. The ship hatch open to reveal our protagonist Y/n L/n and his companion, BD-1 on his back looking over his shoulder. Y/n got out of his ship to head towards a cliff that he will be walking up to go find someone.

Y/n then started to walk up the path up to the cliff to see a creature landed in front of him on his path.

Y/n then started to walk up the path up to the cliff to see a creature landed in front of him on his path

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Y/n never saw this type of creature before. It seems kinda cute for him. Y/n then started to go towards the creature and got on one knee to get a good look at it.

Y/n: Hey there, little guy. I haven't seen you before.

Porg: Caw!

Y/n: It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm looking for someone on this planet. Can you help me find him?

Porg: Caw!

Y/n: Okay, lead the way.

The Porg then started to fly ahead of Y/n to follow it. He then started to walk quickly up the path to get the cliff to find someone on top of it.

After a few seconds of walking up the path, Y/n saw someone in a Jedi Robe with his hood up. Y/n was surprised that he saw another Jedi here on this planet.

The man then turned around to face Y/n.

Y/n saw most of his face with his hood on

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Y/n saw most of his face with his hood on. Y/n then started to walk up slowly and stop to see the man removing his hood.

The man did not expect for someone to find him on this planet for such a long time

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The man did not expect for someone to find him on this planet for such a long time. The man started to speak to Y/n.

???: Who are you?

Y/n was trying to respond to him, he was so surprised to see another Jedi. Y/n then respond to the man's question to tell him his name.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n. I'm a Jedi, like you.

???: What brings you here to this planet? No one has ever been here to find me. So tell me, why are you here?

Y/n then took a second to respond to the man.

Y/n: I came here because of you.

???: Why?

Y/n: There's a planet called Remnant. It's in danger. I heard so many stories about you. You're Luke Skywalker. I travelled here because we need your help. Remnant is in danger, and we need your help to save it.

Luke then think for a second and respond to Y/n.

Luke: What danger are you talking about?

Y/n: There is a woman named Salem. She can't be killed, but I know we have to find a way to finally kill her. And I know you will help me and my friends back on Remnant to help all of us. Will you help us, Master Skywalker?

Luke then took a second to answer my question to either help us on Remnant or not.

Luke: I will help you find a way, to stop this Salem person. And I will help you to save the people on Remnant.

Y/n: Thank you, Master Skywalker.

The screen went black for this to end in the Volume that will be coming soon.

RWBY Jedi: Fallen Order: Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now