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Jane pov...

Lincoln and I have been talking a lot at the moment. He finished all his treatments and has gone back to work as a builder. It's nice talking to him as he's funny and he also knows what it's like to be getting over cancer and dealing with everything. He's a good friend that it's good to talk to and we understand each other and support each other more.
I know I have Maura but there are some things she doesn't know and it's hard as you never really know how much things change unless they happen to you.

Lincoln and I are meeting up for dinner tonight. I had a session with Dr Burke today, went for a run, to the gym and to the shooting range. I'm starting to get ready for going back to work. I feel a lot better now, I have strength back and Dr Burke has been helping me a lot.
I miss work as it is something I love and it's helping families to know who killed their loved ones. It will be strange going back to work as I have been off for so long but Cavanaugh kept my spot on the team with Korsak, Frost, Frankie and Maura ready for whenever I want to go back to work. I will be easing back into work slowly with desk duty first and then increasing the amount I can go out in the field as I feel ready for it.

I get ready and meet up with Lincoln at the Dirty Robber, we order a drink and a burger each. We talk about each other's day and how we are going.
We talk about anything that comes to mind, we sit there for a few hours talking before saying goodbye and heading home as it was getting late and he has to get up early in the morning for work.

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