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Jane pov...

First they take me to x-rays for my feet they take the temporary bandage off and take x-rays of each foot from different views so they can make sure the surgery put the screws in the right place for the bone to heal. They are happy with how everything is looking and put temporary casts on as they need to allow for any swelling that happens before they can put a full solid cast on for the rest of the healing time.

Next they take me to MRI, I get put in the machine and lie as still as possible while the test happens. They made sure that the screws in my foot would not affect the machine in any way so there is no real risk of harm. It's hard to not to now at all for the entire time as it's so small around you and loud. The machine stops and I am pulled out of the machine and put back on my bed.
Dr. Kimpton tells me that they will analyse the results while I go get a head CT scan. This scan will help them to make sure of no head injuries as I was hit in the head a few time and was bleeding so they need to be careful. It is likely that I will have a concussion but they need all these tests to check.

They wheel me to the next room for a CT scan and once again lift me onto the machine. This one isn't full body, the program it and there is only a small part that take the scan which that make be at my head. The test takes about the same amount of time as the last test but feels different with it only scanning my head and not the whole body.
Once it's over I get put back on my bed and Dr. Kimpton is called into the room where the people are looking at the test results. It feels like ages before he comes back and says "we have to go back to MRI to repeat the test and then they want to take a skull x-ray  there is something they need to check"
We he says that I think there must be something wrong as they won't say exactly what is wrong.

I go back for another MRI, this one is easier but seems to go for longer as I am worried about what they have found. I was prepared for a long healing process with my head but no any other issues. Once the test is finished I am taken to get the head x-ray. They take photos of all different angles to make sure they get the information they need.

Once they have finished I am taken back to my room, Dr. Kimpton says "don't worry Jane, we will go look at all the test results and let you know soon what is going on"
I nod and say "thank you doc"
He nods and leaves, I am left all alone in my room wondering what is going on while trying not to worry.

Authors note...
I hope all the information in this chapter and following chapters is correct. I have been researching to have it as realistic as possible. I hope you continue to enjoy this story I have planned a different story from what I normally write.

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