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Korsak pov...

I thought a heard a noise and go to check on Jane only I can't find her anywhere. I recheck the whole house before I call for backup and the call for Maura, Riley, Frankie, Frost, Tommy and Angela to get here.

The back up and CSU arrive first and start to process and go start to through the whole house.
The others all arrive and see all the cars before  rushing over to us. Frost asks "what's going on?"
Before I can answer Maura asks "where is Jane"
I say "that's the problem, we were searching the house and had split up. I heard a noise and suddenly Jane was gone"

A CSU worker walks over and says "sorry to interrupt but there is something you need to see"

We all follow him inside and to the bedroom, we see the hidden door and are told this is how they got out. There is a path that leads to the neighbors storm shelter, it looks like two people walked out dragging another. There was only a small drop of blood on the ground that is being tested but it is only minor so we are hoping Jane has no serious injuries.

Everyone is ready to get hard into work and find where Jane went. Cavanangh comes over and says "Angela, Tommy and Riley I have sorted out a safe house for you that will have officers outside. As for the rest of you all hands on deck with finding Rizzoli, if you need a break or sleep you are to go to the safe house. No one is allowed to be on their own, stick in pairs or more wherever you go."

We all nod, Angela, Tommy and Riley head with the two uniform cops to car so they can go to the safe house.
Maura, Frankie, Frost and I head back into the house to look around and follow the path out of the house. Just as we get outside Maura's phone goes off with a photo of Jane handcuffed to a bed. We head straight to the prescient to trace the photo and analyse it.

The photo was sent by bouncing around different satellites making it untraceable. The photo shows a view from above of Jane on the bed with handcuffs on her wrists and ankles but it doesn't show the edge of the bed or anything else meaning there isn't much to go on. Frost send the photo to tech analysts to see if they can find anything that we missed. 

None of us know what to do next as there was no evidence or leads, Jane has disappeared with someone who will torture and most likely kill her. We are all worried about her and want her back. We hear other people coming in and see the FBI has arrived. One woman steps forward and says "hello, I am Agent Hughes. I'm the leader of this FBI task force, we are here to help and assist in any way we can. We will not take over and BPD will lead to help us get Detective Rizzoli back"

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