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Korsak pov...

We are all working non-stop to find Jane. The team is going over all information that we have and looking into any possible leads.
Frost says "I might have something, an anonymous call came through saying that there was a loud, long scream coming from an apartment building. The call came in and it was sent to us, I didn't think it has anything to do with us but the address is Jane's building".
I say "Hoyt taking Jane to her own apartment to torture her, it doesn't seem like him but that could be the point why would we think to look at her own apartment. Come on, let's go.

Frankie, Frost, Maura and I all head to the cars. Maura will stay downstairs when we get to the apartment as she isn't a police officer but we want her there with us. We take another team with us to help. One person will stay with Maura and the rest will help us with searching Jane's apartment. We don't know what to expect so we want to be prepared for anything when we open the door.

We assemble on the street near the entrance to the building before going over the plan. We then head up to Jane's apartment, some people take the stairs and some in the elevator to get there quicker. Frost and I are some of the first to get to her door. I try the door first and it is unlocked. I open the door slowly and quietly before we all walk in and search the apartment. I head straight to the bedroom.

I look through the door and can see Jane handcuffed to her bed and Hoyt sitting on her stomach. I can't see if she has any clothes on but I can see blood on her feet and the bed, I can't tell how bad it is. Jane sees me first and gives a slight smile. Hoyt must see this as he turns around, before he can say anything I put a bullet to his head. He dies instantly and falls back landing on Jane who can't move. Frost, Frankie and I are the first ones to get to her. We quickly move Hoyt off her and to the ground. Frost unlocks the handcuffs on her hands, Frankie calls for a medic and for Maura to come in here and I unlock the handcuffs on Jane's feet to see the scalpels in her feet. I say "Jane you are safe now, we got you"
I turn and look at her to see she has passed out, no wonder she didn't say anything.
Maura and the medics arrive. Maura looks at Jane and Hoyt on the floor without saying anything. The medics put Jane on a stretcher, they say she will be taken to Mass General. No one is allowed to go with them in the ambulance because of her state.

Maura, Frankie, Frost and I hug each other. I say "Jane is alive, she is a fighter if she can survive this one she can again"
Frost nods and says "yeah and Hoyt is dead and can't get to Jane ever again"
The other team tell us to go to the hospital to wait for Jane, they will finish up at the scene for us. As we head down to the car I call Cavanaugh to tell him Hoyt is dead and Jane is on her way to hospital, he will bring the others from the safe house and meet us there.

We head to the hospital to be met in the waiting room with Angela, Tommy, Riley and Cavanaugh. Frankie hugs Angela straight away. Cavanaugh asks "how bad is it?"
I say "Jane has scalped through both feet, they looked pretty bad. Jane has some of her clothes taken off but still had underwear on. She had been handcuffed both feet and hands to her bed. She was unconscious when the medics arrived"
I can see Angela crying and the rest of us are holding back the tears. Cavanaugh says "Jane will fight and we will help as much as we can".

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